The development of latex allergy symptoms is linked with the need to protect the human population from the transmission of communicable diseases such as HIV. Latex gloves were used as protective barriers and consequently there was an increase in the level of allergic reactions.
Conservative estimates that there has been at least 10 billion latex gloves used per annum in the USA alone since 1987. For the people for whom this protective barrier is an allergen, the figures are startling and worrying at the same time. Healthcare units have had to come up with concrete strategies that are meant to protect them from the potential hazards associated with this tool. The condition affects about 2% of all hospital employees and yet the source material is present in about 40,000 products that are on the market today.
The material: The rubber tree tends to produce a milky substance that is used to manufacture the globes. During the process of production there will be some modifications that are meant to improve the efficacy of the item. The dipping process which is essential to the production of the item can also lead to allergies. It is used in making condoms, balloons and gloves. Molding is a far better process in terms of protecting the people with allergic tendencies. Powdering the surface on the gloves also makes the problem worse in the long run because it accumulates the free latex. Snapping means that it is even possible to inhale the allergens such that other people within the vicinity are affected.The detection process: There are two main responses once expose has occurred. The first is known as delayed hypersensitivity. A skin rash will develop in the locality which had contact with the latest. It is distinguishable from normal eczema on account of its severity. The immediate reaction is the second type and it is quite dangerous because it can lead to anaphylaxis. Therefore the patient will have difficulty breathing and a very low blood pressure reading.
Latex Allergy Treatments: If they do not get medical attention then they may die from the condition. Other sufferers have reported some form of allergic rhinitis which is commonly known as hayfever. Their nasal passages will also experience a level of irritation. A standard patch test is used to detect the accelerators and preservatives that are associated with latex allergy symptoms. Invariably the management model will involve the use of antihistamines and inhalers. Emergency treatment may be required.
This article makes reference to the origin of latex allergy symptoms and the possibility of developing latex allergy treatments.
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