Natural Allergy Relief - Squashing Allergies and Their Symptoms

Allergies: Cough, Cough, Sneeze, Sneeze, Ohh what a relief!! NOT........

Having allergies can be one of the most annoying conditions you can have the pleasure of being blessed with. Your head is clogged or nose is running a marathon, your eyes are watery or itchy and you have been blessed so many times you would think God himself had heard you sneezing. It makes your day miserable and most medications you can take will only make you sleepy.

Allergies can be caused from almost anything, mold, dust, pollen from trees or flowers, animal fur, insect bites, household chemicals and more to list the most common. The excess of mucus can be caused by a poor diet and even stress can bring allergies on. To get rid of allergies naturally with no side effects, we suggest some of the following remedies and then changing your diet for continued prevention.

For relief of your allergies you can go to any local health food or herbal store and pick up these herbs. You should pick the one that fits you best and if you don't see improvement within three days discontinue and re-evaluate your symptoms and back to the drawing board. Use the remedy that best fits your symptoms. Again, only choose one remedy for three days before trying another. Stop taking remedy as soon as you experience relief.
Allium Cepa- If you have burning, watery eyes and a runny nose. Your symptoms feel better outside in the open air.Euphrasia- Can be taken if you're experiencing burning teary, red eyes. You can also use Eye-Bright, 5 drops ratio to ½ ounce saline for your irritated eyes. Apply twice daily.Sabadilla- Take this if you suffer from repeated "ah choo's" i.e. sneezes and runny nose.Histaminum- Are you experiencing normal allergy symptoms which have a sudden onset? This helps!!!Natrum Muriaticum- Take this if you sneeze at the sun and get re-occurring cold sores. Craving salt might also be a concern for you.Silica- Can be used when upper respiratory problems develop into an infection, do you feel irritable and tired??? Silica screams "USE ME!"Nux Vomica- You may wake up sneezing and crave stimulants such as tobacco or sweets.Arsenicum Album- You will have burning eyes and constant runny nose causing red and sore irritation under the nose. You are sensitive and have many allergies.Lycopodium- For people with only one-sided nasal congestion and throat issues. If you are in this category, you might also experience bloating after meals.Pulsatilla- Do your allergies get worse in warm conditions or have a lot of congestion at night. This one is definitely for you...Stinging nettles - For Hay Fever.

I would also suggest taking 1,000 mg of Vitamin C which is a natural anti-histamine, three to five times daily. If this gives you diarrhea you can decrease the dosage or try taking Quercitin. Also, Butterbur has been studied and found to be better than Allegra and comparable to Zyrtec. In the evening, take a hot bath with Chamomile or Lavender to induce sweat and clean out toxins.

Now that you have gotten rid of the symptoms of your allergy, try some of these dietary changes to prevent further episodes.

We Recommend:
Increase your whole grains. This is something we should all be doing anyway.Increase you intake of fresh vegetables and fruits to help with detoxification. You might try a 3 day vegetable juice fast for best results.Cold pressed oils and raw seeds and nuts.You will need to increase your lean protein such as seafood and tofu.Drink all the water you can. This will cut mucus secretions.Take flaxseed or flaxseed oil to reduce inflammation, 2 tablespoons every day.

We do not recommend:
Dairy products, fried foods or processed foods, refined flours, chocolate and eggs. Dairy only makes mucus secretions thicker.Cut down on fats and oils and trans-fatty acids.

We also have many products in the surrounding areas of this page; please click on any of these remedies for reoccurring symptoms and relief remedies.

From one allergy sufferer to another, please don't forget to become a part of our mailing list. We will also be sending out future promotions to those listed. Just click on any of our surrounding all natural allergy products links to take that first leap of faith towards feeling like a better you!

Also if you haven't already, please get a copy of our FREE REPORT on healing for Cold, Flu and and more. Purchase one of our many products for your holistic needs and don't forget to sign our mailing list for future promotions. Visit us at

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The Causes and Effects of Skin Allergy Symptoms

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Identifying Dog Allergy Symptoms and Treatments

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The Dangers of a Full Blown Nut Allergy

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The Common Allergy Symptoms

Do you think you may have had an allergic reaction? If you are reading this, I can safely assume that you think you may and that you are looking to affirm your suspicion. Some people think if they can diagnose themselves there is no need to seek medical intervention or for medical attention. Granted at times the symptoms are mild enough to treat yourself but sometimes they are too severe to even contemplate self medication, self preservation should predominantly prompt immediate medical attention.

So how do we determine you are allergic to something? We look at the common allergy symptoms to establish whether a simple lifestyle change will suffice or if an appointment to your general practitioner is in order. According to most medics, most common symptoms of allergies are mild and average on a scale measuring severity. These symptoms include a feeling of tightness in the chest, burning as well as scratchy eyes and a skin rash. In some cases, allergy sufferers experience an itchy feeling all over the body and a little difficulty breathing.

Most people just go to their local pharmacist who can recommend the best allergy medications particularly if it is common allergy symptoms regardless of the trigger. If you do find the trigger, good for you, you can then fight the allergy with over the counter supplements or as a home remedy, squeeze a lime into a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of honey. Drink it once a day for a couple of months and do so before breakfast.

Severe allergic reactions are not as common as the ordinary allergy symptoms. So when the common symptoms of an allergy, which you have diagnosed and decided to self treat, seem to be escalating and when the assault on the chest becomes more aggressively congested then medical attention should immediately be sought. Food allergies are said to be more severe as far as allergic reactions go. Severe meaning throwing up, swelling, struggling to breath, diarrhea, cramping, wooziness and eventually you black out.

If medical intervention is not sought then that black out could unfortunately be permanent. The severity must never be underestimated because that mistake could be fatal.

It is easy to want to be your own doctor sometimes you can be, there are plenty of home remedies available and most allergies work themselves out your system over a very uncomfortable period of time. Sometimes though when you know you have tried everything with no lessening of your symptoms then you have to listen to your body and your gut telling you something is just not right especially if those feelings are soon accompanied by stronger symptoms.

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Avoiding Scent Allergies

Some of the most powerful parts of the holiday season are the smells... candles that fill a room with the fragrance of home baked goodies, or air fresheners that leave a room filled with the refreshing outdoor scent of pine. These products add a subtle something to the air for some, while triggering uncomfortable scent allergies (and possibly asthma) for others.

As these scented products have grown more popular, allergists are seeing more complaints from people about reactions to all the fragrance. There's sneezing and coughing, and while there isn't an allergy test for these products, people certainly seem capable of having strong reactions to them.

An allergy expert made a presentation on the health risks of scented products citing a 2009 study that found large numbers of Americans are affected by pollutants found in products we use every day.

Almost 11% of over 2,000 adults who were surveyed reported a hypersensitivity to popular laundry products; almost 31% reported adverse reactions to scents on other people, with about 20% reporting problems (trouble breathing, headache) when around air fresheners. For those with asthma, the rate was 34% who had bothersome symptoms when around air fresheners or scented candles.

These scented products do emit VOCs (volatile organic compounds), defined as chemicals forming a gas or vapor when at room temperature. Some of the VOCs in air fresheners include formaldehyde, petroleum, benzene, styrene, terpenes, alcohol, phosphates, bleach and even ammonia.

High levels of VOCs can lead to irritation of the eye and difficulty breathing, as well as headaches, dizziness and memory impairment. A study conducted in 2008 discovered that a large number of laundry soaps and room deodorizers gave off potentially dangerous VOCs.

A particular brand of plug in freshener sent out more than 20 VOCs, 7 of these classed as toxic or hazardous in existing federal laws. Candles produce soot, organic compounds and VOCs - including benzene and lead.

Today experts estimate more than 75% of American homes use scented air fresheners and other such products. And not just for the holidays, now we expect our homes to smell pleasing year round, and with this demand, an industry has grown accordingly.

What's more, these products aren't limited to homes. More often scented products appear in the workplace. If you like the smell, you probably don't mind, but if it left you sneezing and coughing you'd probably feel differently. Just because something smells good to you doesn't mean that everyone will feel the same way. Often some smells, such as the food type can be tolerated, while flowery ones cannot.

The scented products industry group says that VOCs aren't necessarily all that bad. Anything that gives off a scent, they say, is sending out a VOC.

In the U.S. air fresheners and other scented products are governed by the Toxic Substances Control Act and the Federal Hazardous Substances Act, both requiring product producers to inform consumers about any risks or compounds that might contribute to a health risk. There are some who feel these requirements aren't nearly strict enough.

If you find yourself uncomfortable with all the scented products, talk with an allergist about your symptoms and your fragrance exposure. There are coping strategies and treatments for scent allergies that can help.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more on scent allergies and how you can avoid them.

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17 Worrying Allergy Statistics And Alarming Asthma Facts

In the USA, millions of people are allergic to a variety of substances, and they are looking for effective allergy relief. Dust, pollen, pet dander, food and tiny invisible particles that simply float into your home from large industries are harmful. Allergies cause day-to-day misery for millions, and has a major impact on society in general.

The most important allergy facts and stats are laid out below, which are supported by the best and latest available data, some from the - American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. This information is taken from those residing in the U.S. only.

1- A huge 20% of the entire population in the U.S. suffer from at least one type of allergic reaction. This number includes those who suffer from asthma. Many experts from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimate that one fifth of the population is a low approximate.

2- Over half of the American population test positive to one or more allergens, although many did not realise they had a problem with allergies. Many of those did report minor problems such as coughing, watery eyes and a general feeling of ill-health.

3- Taking into account other major chronic diseases that people suffer from in the U.S. The U.S.A. comes 5th in this rank for allergies. Those suffering from allergies have risen sharply in the last few decades. Some say this is directly linked to industrial growth.

4- The U.S. government spend a massive amount of money tackling the problems of allergy sufferers. The American health care system and businesses pick up the tab for this everyday problem, and cough up nearly $8 Billion every year. This amount rises steadily annually.

5- Most businesses dislike workers taking more days off than they really need too. Employed Americans take between 3.9 and 4.2 million days off work every year because of the horrid symptoms of hay fever, runny nose and streaming eyes. Classic allergy signs.

6- Whether you agree with the effects of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and warming of our planet or not, does not alter the fact that pollen seasons over the last two decades in the U.S. have mysteriously lengthened by nearly one month - 30 days.

7- One third of children with one parent who suffers from allergies, will go on to develop some form of allergic complaint or asthma. I have not seen any evidence or statistics of hereditary illness among allergy sufferers, but this fact surely indicates that more research is required, especially when you consider the fact that the chances of a child with both allergic parents will develop allergies is even greater at 70%.

8- Food allergies are also at an all time high, and this is non seasonal. 29,000 ambulance/ER calls are registered by operators directly from those suffering from the symptoms of food allergies in kitchens, homes and restaurants all over the U.S.

9- Children diagnosed with a food allergy are nearly 5 times more likely to have allergy symptoms similar to asthma and other various types of allergies. Food allergies in the US. directly impact around 7% of children under the age of three years.

10- Surprisingly, over 14% of Americans firmly believe they have a food allergy problem, but the actual amount of U.S. citizens who are diagnosed with this illness from their doctor is much less, 2% - 5%.

11- This is public enemy number 1. Yes it's our old friend - 'poor indoor air quality', the biggest problem facing every household, whether you know about it, deny it, or simply ignore it. Over 85% of our time involves indoor activity, and most of the population are unaware that they are breathing in stale or unhealthy air every day in their own home. Effective allergy relief for sufferers should always start at home.

12- Indoor air pollution outweighs levels of outdoor pollution by 50 to 1 in many cases. It's quite startling to think that if you are standing in a street with heavy traffic and high car exhaust levels, that your own home air quality is worse than this. In many cases this is true, due to factors such as poor construction methods, dampness, high dust levels, mould, wrong insulation or poor ventilation.

13- One of the best ways to improve your indoor air quality is to invest in a HEPA vacuum cleaner to trap those tiny particles that cause allergy symptoms. Recent tests have proven that many vacuum cleaners emit a certain amount of dust and microbes back into your home while vacuuming, which defeats the whole purpose. If you do suffer from asthma/allergies, you must do a little homework enabling you to select a quality and effective HEPA vacuum cleaner that is completely sealed, and does not throw back dangerous pollutants back into your room.

14- Pets are great to have around the house, and are our best friends. Over 40% of US residents own one or more dogs, and roughly the same percentage have one or more cats. Every home with pets have noticeable amounts of dander, which inevitably leads to allergy symptoms in humans. This means that cleaning up after our pets is important, and has to be done on a regular basis to keep high air quality.

15- Nearly 8% of U.S. citizens have been diagnosed with asthma related illness. More worrying is the high number of children under the age of 5 with asthma. Kids under 5 in the U.S. with asthma, between the early 80's and mid 90's has risen by a huge 170%. These figures are likely to be related to growing poverty, poor housing and high levels of industry pollution emissions.

16- Recent figures suggest that nearly 2 million ER call outs occur every year to those with asthma related problems, and these figures show no sign of slowing down. Furthermore, the percentage of those admitted to hospital for asthma/allergy problems who are young children is estimated at approaching the 50% mark.

17- Sadly, just under 5000 deaths are recorded every year in the U.S. who died directly from asthma alone, but even more alarming is the sheer volume of people who have severe allergy symptoms, such as streaming eyes, bad congestion, sneezing, running nose and coughing - who have 'Non-Allergic Rhinitis' instead is around a third of the entire population. Diagnosed allergic rhinitis affects around 25% of adults, and as many as 35% of children who live in the U.S.

The allergy statistics on this page are somewhat disturbing, especially when we see that children suffer a high proportion of allergy and asthma related illnesses. Thankfully there are several ways we can reduce allergy symptoms at home by cleaning our home the correct way to improve indoor air quality. As we spend most of our time at home, it is the most logical place to start reducing allergens and pollutants so we can enjoy a clean and hygienic home atmosphere.

The allergy statistics above seem a little worrying as numbers keep rising. With helpful information on how you can directly benefit from good advice - please feel free to have a good look at my Allergy Relief Report. It's packed full of info on reducing those nasty allergy symptoms. The best information is a powerful medium, especially if you are looking for effective allergy relief.

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What Has Gluten and What Is Celiac Disease?

What has gluten, what is coeliac disease, and what are gluten sensitivity symptoms? Many people have heard of the terms gluten and a gluten-free diet. What you may ask, however, is what has gluten? Gluten is a protein traditionally found in wheat, barley, triticale, rye, spelt, kamut and oats, functioning as a binding agent. Gluten is very much a staple of the American diet. It is found in pizza, pasta, bread, wraps, rolls, and most processed foods as a filler.

Moreover, gluten is found in many other products that you may not think of, including chicken broth or marshmallows. It is used as a thickener as well in soups and can be added to the pepperoni on pizza. For those who find themselves highly allergic, it is also found in cosmetics at times.

What is Coeliac Disease? Coeliac disease refers to an autoimmune disorder that is marked by an inability to digest gluten, the protein found in these types of grains. Celiac disease, also known as gluten intolerance, is a genetic disorder that affects at least 1 in 133 Americans. Those affected suffer damage to the villi (shortening and villous flattening) in the lamina propria and crypt regions of their intestines when they eat specific food-grain antigens (toxic amino acid sequences) that are found in wheat, rye, and barley.

The condition known as celiac disease, or coeliac disease. Celiac (Coeliac) disease can also look similar in symptoms to Irritable Bowel syndrome, Crohn's Disease or Cystic Fibrosis. An estimated 99 percent of people who have sensitivities to eating gluten don't even know it. They attribute their poor health and symptoms to something else other than gluten sensitivity, which is 100 percent curable.

There are many reasons why people are so allergic to this grain. These include our lack of genetic adaptation to grasses, and particularly gluten, in our diet. Wheat was introduced into Europe during the Middle Ages, and 30 percent of people of European descent carry the gene for celiac disease which increases susceptibility to health problems from eating gluten.

Also, American wheat has been modified to contain a much higher gluten content which is needed to make bread lighter and more fluffy bread than those traditionally found in Europe. This super-gluten was then introduced into our agricultural food supply and now has adulterated nearly all wheat strains in America. Additionally, the wheat strand has been hybridized to introduce more protein into the grain. Thus, the stomach and digestive organs seem to not be able to understand how to process this, creating issues throughout the entire body. If a person with the disorder continues to eat gluten, studies have shown that he or she will increase their chances of gastrointestinal cancer by a factor of 40 to 100 times that of the normal population. Further, gastrointestinal carcinoma or lymphoma has been found to develop in up to 15 percent of patients with untreated or refractory celiac disease. Thus, it is vital that the disease is quickly diagnosed and properly treated to avoid these outcomes if you feel you have gluten sensitivity symptoms.

Elle's life and health have enjoyed remarkable improvements since implementing a gluten-free lifestyle. As a result, she has is passionate about creating delicious recipes which are coeliac-friendly and delicious so that she and others whose digestive systems require gluten-free foods can enjoy great tasting recipes but keep their intestinal tracts in good shape.

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The Prevalence and Management of Allergy in Children

You may not understand why your child is irritable when in fact they are suffering from some sort of allergy. The temptation is to use over-the-counter medicines but you may not get the results that you are looking for. In this article we consider some of the ways in which parents are coping.

It is not really advisable to rely on medicines to deal with child allergy symptoms because they have sedating abilities. Your child may become too sleepy to participate in ordinary circumstances. As an alternative you may use Claritin and Alavert because they do not affect the sleeping patterns of your child.
Older children: There are no noticeable differences between the prescriptions that are used for older kids and toddlers. You will find the staples being Zyrtec, Allegra and Clarinex. If you want to try older nasal sprays then you can make use of Rhinocort Aqua, Flonase, Veramyst and Nasacort AQ. Babies who are older than 6 months can use syrup forms of Zyrtec and Clarinex. The key is finding the right type of solution for the patient at any age. You can experiment as long as you are not consuming everything at the same time.
Medicines and diversification: Some of the medicines that are available can be chewed and this makes it easier for younger people to consume them. For example you may use the Claritin Reditab which disintegrates once it is in the mouth if the patient is older than 6 years and do not like to swallow pills. Alavert is a cheaper version of Claritin which is an alternative to loratadine.
Increasing the effectiveness of the antihistamines: It is better to concentrate on one form of medication to see how it works instead of jumping from place to place. For example Singulair will work well especially if it is not combined with other forms of antihistamine. In fact you can use it for seasonal allergies that rarely stop occurring. It is particularly effective when you are dealing with chronic idiopathic urticaria or hives.

The use of steroids is not recommended unless you do not have alternatives. They are normally administered as nasal sprays and Veramyst is a popular brand for children that are older than 2 years of age. Flonase can be commenced once they reach 4. The FDA gives some pretty clear guidelines on age which should be followed in order to protect the safety of your child.

In this article we have considered the child allergy symptoms and the development of allergy treatments for children with the advice of a clinician. Child Allergy Symptoms and Allergy Treatments for Children.

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Cholinergic Urticaria - How To Manage And Get Relief

It's called exercise-induced hives many times, because one of the triggers is physical activity, categorizing cholinergic urticaria in the bracket of physical hives. Running, walking, lifting, exercising; almost any form of physical activity that can increase body temperature can trigger an outbreak.

Different activities can change your body by different amounts of degrees, and depending on the momentum and vigor that you conduct them with, can also influence your internal body heat.

Sometimes cholinergic urticaria is referred to as heat hives, because other factors can activate it. Spicy foods are one of the most common reasons people break out. Emotional triggers also play a contribution in the outbreaks. Anxiety, anger, extreme laughter and even blushing can all cause cholinergic urticaria to raise it's ugly head.

The word cholinergic as described in any medical dictionary means "related to acetylcholine". This is a parasympathomimetic, meaning an action caused by the stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

With cholinergic urticaria, a heat trigger of some kind causes the body to release acetylcholine at the nerve endings in the skin, leading to a hives-like reaction.

Acetylcholine is an important neurotransmitter in both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, and it has many functions, but one is to help in muscle contraction.

Unfortunately, this subject matter is so complex that many doctors and scientists are not exactly sure what really causes a person to have a hives reaction to their own body heat or even sweat.

Many things have been suggested, such as possible autoimmune disorders and even blood disorders.

Managing Cholinergic Hives When It's Caused By Stress

The real treatment at this time is management of this strange form of skin hives. One thing that is noted is that stress seems to play a huge role in people with heat hives, especially amongst teenagers.

Stress management is a serious option to consider if you can determine that your skin reactions are due to being overwhelmed, anxiety, anger or general emotional feelings from current events in your life.

It is more than just possible for a person who struggles with cholinergic urticaria to get relief by countering the stress trigger; using breathing techniques, relaxation strategies and stress management techniques.

The reason this is important, is because stress causes a defensive mechanism in your body to activate. When this happens, your "fight or flight" response is triggered, and your core body temperature can increase.

An increase in dermis (shell) or core temperature can trigger an outbreak if you suffer with cholinergic urticaria.

Assessing Your Diet - Are Spicy Foods The Problem?

Eating spicy foods can also elevate your temperature. These mainly include hot peppers, but also root vegetables that cause your body to rise in temperature in order to digest.

Also, foods that are heated can cause an episode of hives. Liquids such as hot chocolate, coffee, and warm soups can raise your temperature, especially if consumed too quickly.

Many foods activate a process known as thermogenesis, which causes your body to produce heat during the digesting process of certain edible items. Some will have a thermogenic effect on the body a little more than others, and although eating foods that are high in the thermogenesis process is great for weight loss, it can trigger itching, stinging and burning skin sensations in people who have cholinergic urticaria.

Internal Body Temperature Control

Thermogenesis, thermoregulation and emotional state can influence the temperature within your body as well. It's very important to understand all of these triggers so that you can cut them off at the pass.

Light, physical activity can cause an episode with cholinergic urticaria, but obviously more strenuous and intensive exercise will make matters worse.

Some people who have C.U. also have poral occlusion, which means that they struggle with sweating because of blocked sweat glands. As a result, toxins build up in the system which can cause a whole plethora of problems for your body.

Some cholinergic urticaria patients choose to exercise through the itching and stinging skin sensations so that they can get a good sweat out. You have to be careful in doing this, because over-doing this process can cause your body to go into shock.

Sweating through the urticaria seems to help a lot of people who have C.U. though.

External Body Temperature Control

Environmental temperature change is one of the biggest factors to keep in mind. Outside temperatures, hot water (either consumed or bathed in), thermostat settings and even the clothing you wear, how much of it is worn, and fabric materials are required to understand in order to manage cholinergic urticaria.

You may find that using sweat wicking shirts when doing exercise really helps. These draw the fluids away from your skin, and they are fairly effective in doing so.

Also consider using a dehumidifier for your office or home environment. This will keep the humidity at bay and help you exist in a habitable environment.

Finally, cool compresses work very well if you feel an outbreak of hives coming on. There are many different ways to make these, and you can even combine herbs and essential oils that have skin healing & soothing benefits.

To make one is simple. Just take a clean, cotton cloth and dip it into a bowl of water. Whether you want to include some herbs or oils is up to, but those would go in the water as well.

Normally water compresses are made very hot, but there are cold ones as well; making simple use of cooler water. This method is not appropriate for people with aquagenic urticaria (water hives), but is helpful for people who struggle with cholinergic urticaria.

Next, to learn how to treat urticaria visit this hives treatment resource.

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Allergies and Asthma, See What You're Missing

Allergies can be as simple as the cough I get during pollen season or as severe as being life threatening from medication, peanut, or insect allergies. Fields of rag weed create clouds of pollen spores in the spring time, these clouds soon find their way into towns or cities. Children and adults like myself who have no resistance built up because we have not been in contact with rag weed in 10 to 12 months, this goes on for days and the cars turn green from the pollen. We begin to get congested and cough, our eyes get runny. As we continue to breath in the spores we develop anti bodies that attach to the mast cells in our nasal passage, these anti bodies interlock with the pollen spores and create an explosion destroying the spores and damaging the nasal passage. This is what causes us to sneeze.

The allergens that cause the most trouble are mold spores, animal dander, dust mites, pollen, biting insects or bee stings also foods, peanuts, and medications. The most dangerous are bees, peanuts, and medications, these can kill you if not treated quickly. The cause of allergies has not been discovered yet, it is not hereditary but does seem to run in families.

Then there is asthma, this is caused by breathing in allergens but is different from allergies. Some people develop asthma from having allergies, some get asthma and never have allergies, while others never get either.

Some symptoms of allergies are itchy eyes, nose, and throat, coughing and a congestion, sneezing and a runny nose, even watery eyes. Asthma symptoms are similar but not the same as allergies, they consist of trouble breathing and wheezing, coughing and breathlessness, and a tight feeling in your chest. The most severe of allergies causes anaphylactic shock, this comes on quickly, has many symptoms, and is life threatening. Treatment for anaphylactic shock is a fast injection of epinephrine to constrict the blood vessels, open the airway,and raise the blood pressure. Followed by an injection of antihistamines and/or steroids.

Diagnosing what your allergic to is getting a complete medical history and conducting allergy testing. I had this done when I was 7, it was two rows of eight injections on the inside of each arm,

the ones that swell up, get painful and red are what your allergic to. There is a patch test that works but it is mostly for skin allergies, also a blood test but it only works for allergens that enter or effect the blood stream.

Treatment of allergies for me consisted of shots for 7 years during the worst part of my allergies, I was amazed that what I was allergic to was in the shots. That's how they work, by forcing our bodies to boost our immune system. Other then the shots all you can do is treat the symptoms to be comfortable. There were also things I had to do, like stay away from animals and enclose the mattress in plastic. I had no curtains or rugs in my room because they just stored dust mites.

I had no food or medication allergies so that was not a concern but I was supposed to wear a mask when the pollen was bad, I prefered to stay in the house with the air conditioner on. It worked better, the mask was somewhat ineffective, the eyes also put allergens into the body. Thats why they water and itch.

Asthma treatment consists of two groups of medications, breathing and anti-inflammatory, they are administered by inhaler and pills.

The fall can also be a difficult time for allergies, the windows are closed and the dust accumulates. The dry heat starts blowing and the congestion starts again. Air fresheners, chemicals, and aerosol

can also get your allergies started. Take notice to what you are allergic to and try to avoid it, that is the best treatment.

Researched at Your Fitness Connection
Most of this article was from my own experience and I don't get to write about myself much

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Ask The Experts! Talking About Allergies Again!

I know I have talked about it before, but regular carpet and upholstery cleaning is an important part of managing and controlling those allergies! Allergens like pollen or pet dander are not mysterious evil forces; they are simply contaminants that can be controlled within a household environment. Regular vacuuming can be effective for reducing the exposure to these contaminants for those who suffer from minor allergies. For those like some of my own family members, managing allergens in the household environment simply requires action that is a bit more aggressive.

My recommendations include:

1. Make sure you have a properly fitted electrostatic filter in your furnace. (Those paper filters only catch about 15% of the airborne contaminants blowing through your HVAC system, and all the air in your home travels through that filter 3 to 4 times every hour!).

2. Vacuum your carpets twice each week, and your upholstered furniture once each week with a HEPA filtered vacuum. Perhaps this sounds like common sense, but I cannot over emphasize the importance regular vacuuming. Like it or not, everything that is blowing around outside is finding its way inside our homes. Regular vacuuming is our first line defense that costs nothing but a few moments of our time.

3. Consider quarterly carpet cleaning. Unlike those rental machines, our technicians use powerful truck mounted equipment that produces very high pressure, and extremely powerful suction, not to mention water above 200 degrees at the jets. What that all means to you is cleaning power far and above that which you can do on your own. If done properly and professionally, you simply cannot over clean a carpet, and for allergy sufferers, that regular cleaning will have you breathing easier.

4. Have your air ducts cleaned. All those contaminants have a safe home inside your air ducts unless we go in after them. All the other protections are going to be less effective if the air in your home is constantly travelling through contaminated duct work. Air duct cleaning not only removes pollen and pet dander, but household dust, dust mites and their waste, bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, and a host of other irritants. Those ducts are a dark, damp, climate controlled space where contaminants thrive. So call the experts for a very special, thorough Spring cleaning.

Members of my own family are allergy sufferers, and we do these things because we care about how they feel. Some things are out of our hands, but I want to make every effort to remove allergens and contaminants in our home, providing the cleanest, healthiest environment possible.

If you have questions about creating and maintaining your own healthy home, we are here to help. Give us a call at 402-573-0400, or find us on the web at

Scot Morris is owner and president of Specialists Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning in Omaha. He provides top quality carpet and upholstery cleaning services to customers in the Omaha metro area, that are always 100% guaranteed. Mr. Morris is an expert in the cleaning industry, and is dedicated to providing services and education that help people maintain healthy homes.

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3 Reasons You Should Try a Gluten-Free Diet

Gluten is a substance that is found in several grains, most commonly in wheat, that can wreak havoc on the digestive system and be at the root of many health issues. Even symptoms that you think may have nothing to do with a food allergy can be caused by an intolerance to gluten. Researchers are finding that people may be placed on a spectrum of gluten intolerance: those who are very tolerant at one end, and those who have celiac disease at the other.

How Do You Know if You're Gluten Intolerant?

Not everyone who has a gluten intolerance will test positive for celiac disease. If you have certain health problems that you just can't seem to get rid of, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a mood disorder, or persistent skin irritation, a gluten-free diet may be the answer you are looking for. A good way to determine intolerance is to try removing all gluten-containing products from your diet for three to four weeks. If your symptoms subside when it is removed, you may have your answer.

There are a variety of health issues that can surface as a result of gluten intolerance. Digestive problems, undiagnosed symptoms, and other issues that occur even after testing negative for celiac disease are a few signs that a change in diet may be in order.

You Have Leaky Gut or Other Digestive Problems

Leaky gut occurs when the lining of the intestine has been damaged to the point where toxins and food can pass through and enter into the bloodstream. This not only causes digestive problems, but also compromises your immune system, making you susceptible to whatever is going around.

Gluten attaches to the lining of the intestine, which causes it to tear. Healthy bacteria, also called probiotics, are destroyed and nutrient-absorbing villi are damaged. If you have gluten sensitivities, you may even have symptoms of malnutrition because your body is unable to absorb vital nutrients as a result of this injury.

You Can't Seem to Get Rid of Your Symptoms

The damage that is done to your intestinal lining can lead to a host of health problems. From irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to fibromyalgia, gluten can be the root cause of a wide range of issues.

People who suffer from celiac disease or gluten intolerance may also have a lack of energy, problems with mood swings and depression, or itchy rashes.

You Tested Negative for Celiac Disease, But Your Symptoms Persist

In order to test for celiac disease, two types of antibodies are measured from blood samples. These "anti-gluten" antibodies help determine the presence of the disease.

There are several reasons why a person may test negative for celiac yet still have the disease, or some level of gluten intolerance. Some people are genetically deficient in these antibodies. Also, since the antibodies are viewed under a microscope to determine the presence of the disease, human error also comes into play. Certain test kits are more accurate than others, and some may produce a false negative result. If the person who is being tested hasn't recently eaten gluten, the anti-gluten antibodies will be reduced.

Some people say that a gluten-free diet is just a fad, but many doctors are discovering that gluten sensitivity is a real problem for a large portion of the population. Grains have been consumed for many years, but today's grains have been hybridized and engineered to be more prolific and pest-resistant, resulting in new compounds that have the potential to be quite damaging to human beings. An elimination diet, one in which you remove all gluten from every source for a period of several weeks to a month, should help you to determine if your persistent symptoms are due to a gluten intolerance.

Liz Davis explores the science behind health and nutrition issues. As a follower of the Paleolithic diet, which includes unprocessed, gluten-free and grain-free foods, Liz often discusses the health implications behind our food choices. For gluten-free recipes that are free of refined sugar, visit

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Natural Remedies For Polyps

Today on natural remedies for polyps we will take a look at the two main problem areas and move onto the best treatments. Sinus passage blocking and infections are caused by polyps but doctors do not know with certainty exactly what causes these growths. There is evidence to support the theory that intolerance to aspirin can cause this problem.

This of course is not the main cause but just a statistic that ran true whilst testing many patients. Allergies are not thought to be a major factor in the development of polyps but is believed that men aged over 40 are more likely to get this growth than any other asthmatic groups.

Many Doctors have pointed to asthmatic patients as being more vulnerable to getting nasal polyps. Up to 1/3 of people with nasal polyps will have them come back after a successful removal of this growth due to frequent sinus infections, repeated colds, asthma among many other sinus problems.

Natural Treatment for Nasal Polyps:

Okay, natural remedies for polyps are few and far between but we have found a really effective method here. Go get yourself some honey and horseradish. Take 200 g of both and mix them together well. Now, take 1 teaspoon each morning and night until the mix is finished. Your nasal polyps should be cleared up before this remedy is consumed.

If this does not work for you then you may have to take a trip to your local Doctor for a closer inspection. Nasal polyps are among the easiest to rid yourself of, so don't be too worried. They are usually cleared up or removed without much problem at all.

Rectal Polyps

A rectal polyps can be extremely uncomfortable as you may already know by now. A mass of tissue breaks through the mucous membrane of the colon and the pushed out into the digestive tract.

There are many people who will have rectal polyps but never suffer any symptoms and the polyps are usually found during exams like a colonoscopy. Passing blood through the rectum may very well be a sign of polyps as well as Diarrhea. There are few natural remedies for polyps that have worked well for most, but, of course we have the best natural treatment here for you.

Natural Treatment for Rectal Polyps:

The size of the polyps in question will largely determine the correct treatment as well as the location, but if you want to go down the natural route you need to go get yourself...

· 6 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds

· 7 hardboiled egg yolks

· O.5 l of sunflower oil

You now need to grind those pumpkin seeds in a coffee grinder or something similar until they turn to powder. Then add the powder to the egg yolks and sunflower oil making sure to mix very well together. Now, put the mix on a steam session for about 15 - 20 minutes before taking off and letting cool right down. Keep in the refrigerator for storage.

Every morning take I teaspoon of the mix (on an empty stomach) and repeat every morning for the next 5 days. After the 5 days is up, take a break for 5 days and then continue for another 5 days after that. Repeat this process until the mix is completely gone. This is the best natural remedies for polyps so make sure to stick to the schedule as provided above for best results.

Find the best treatments and advice over at Natural Health Remedies. All ailments reviewed from Natural remedies for hot flashes right on up to ZENMED reviews, weight loss, sleeping disorders among others. we provide the best advice...period!

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Benefits of Salt Lamps

Salt lamps are natural ionizers; they purify the air in a room by charging the room with heavily negative ions. This process is purification is the same as houseplants, rain and sea air. The salt derives from the dried ocean beds from Poland, Iran and the Himalayas.

Crystal salt is pure and unrefined containing large amounts of trace minerals. The crystals are typically red, orange or pink in color. Lamps are either crystals in a cut or polished form, or in a rough and natural state. Each piece of crystal is indented and fitted with a candle holder or a bulb.

There are several Benefits of an emotional and health nature; however, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.

Placing the lamps near your workstation or your computer, assists in reducing electromagnetic field (EMF) effects emitted electronic devices such as computer monitors. The energy emitted from EMF's is associated with increased tiredness and a lack of concentration. It is also linked to headaches, depression and a weak immune system.

Negative ions assist in improving overall health, and they are said to rid the air from dust, bacteria, allergens, smoke and other baneful particles.

One of the many benefits is to place a lamp in an area of the home such as a family room or passageway, since they produce tranquil and calming effects. Salt Lamps are also beneficial in a therapeutic environment such as a massage room as they are said to help with relaxation. You can also use a salt lamp for meditation, as they assist in taking the mind into a deeper and more tranquil state.

The principles of feng shui state that energy is affected by placing objects within a particular area. If you live with your partner, place a salt lamp in the right rear corner of your home, this will assist in improving your relationship.

Salt lamps are natural relaxation tools made from thousand years' old salt. They are made from various colored salt rock crystals like violet, orange and white that have stripes, colors and textures. These lamps emit healthy amounts of negative ions when heated, and it is these negative ions that are responsible for the many salt lamp benefits.

1. These negative ions are produced when a heated candle interacts with the salt crystals, and help clean the air while improving focus and healing. This is why salt lamps make great night lamps that promote sound sleep through the clean and healthy atmosphere it creates in the room.

2. They are also great for use in the workplace as they help improve concentration while reducing stress and fatigue. Besides these direct health benefits, if placed in a workplace, they help at reducing the radiation omitted by office equipment, especially from computer monitors.

3. They are effective in relieving the effects of artificial lights. They are popular in hospital and clinical environments like waiting rooms as they help create a sense of calm and comfort in the room it is placed and thus reduces stress.

4. They are also useful in bars, clubs, casinos, coffee shops and basically any public place where there is lots of smoking and cigarette smoke as they help reduce the residue of lingering smoke. In fact, not only do these lamps emit healthy negative ions, they also absorb the positive ions that cigarette smoke creates.

5. Another addition in salt lamp benefits is it's use in color therapy or chromotherapy where the light's soothing effect helps calm down people with neurotic or insomnia disorders. They also help allergy sufferers as it keeps the air around them clean, safe and naturally ionized.

With so many salt lamp benefits, it is no wonder salt lamps are popularly used to restore and maintain natural air and thus induce relaxation and wellness. They are the lamps you are looking for to create a relaxed atmosphere at home.

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Ninety Percent of All Acknowledged Food Allergic Reactions Originate From These Foods

A food allergy can range from uncomfortable to dangerous. It is caused when a normally harmless substance causes our immune system to react in an inflammatory response usually on the skin or respiratory system, and when the airways constrict due to swelling, known as laryngeal edema, the condition may be life-threatening. Allergies can be caused by airborne substances like pollen and bee stings and bites of other insects, but for this piece we will confine our discussion to common food allergies.

Food allergies should not be confused with food intolerance. The symptoms may be similar, but food allergies, though usually easier to diagnose, are often more critical. A true food allergy requires the presence of Immunoglobulin E, a class of antibody found only in mammals. These antibodies react against the problematic food, and food intolerance does not exhibit the same reaction.

It can be said that about 90% of all food allergies are caused by eight different foods. These foods are as follows:

1. Peanuts. These are really legumes, as they are grown underground. Peanuts are one of the allergies most common, and they have been known to cause severe reactions. They are also a problem because they contain a number of allergens that cannot be destroyed by cooking, and trace amounts can cause severe reactions in sensitive people.

2. Soya. An allergy similar to milk allergy, this is typically found with young children who typically outgrow it by the age of two. It is usually not considered dangerous but it has been known to cause anaphylaxis.

3. Cow's milk. The most common allergy to young children (about five percent of those under one year) who usually outgrow the condition by three. The symptoms usually are quite mild, but in rare cases can cause anaphylaxis.

4. Nuts. We refer only to those grown on trees (not peanuts) such as pecans, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, almonds and pine nuts. People allergic to these nuts usually have a lifelong condition, and for people who are sensitive can cause anaphylaxis.

5. Eggs. Similar to milk, egg allergies usually afflict young children who grow out of it by the age of three; however it is more apt to cause anaphylaxis than milk.

6. Fish. Similar to shellfish, this is more likely to afflict adults rather than children and can cause very severe reactions, including anaphylaxis. Cooking does not destroy these allergens.

7. Shellfish. This is more common in adults and can be quite severe, even to the point of reacting to vapors of cooking shellfish. Examples are prawns, crab, lobster, crayfish, scallops, oysters, clams and mussels.

8. Wheat. This allergy is quite common with babies, and may be circumvented with a gluten-free diet.

These are only eight common food allergies, however there are many more. But these cover just about all that are afflicted by food allergies, and as in many young children they simply outgrow the condition. But it is definitely something that shouldn't be taken lightly, as if a person consumes a food that their system cannot handle there could be dire consequences. There are no perfectly accurate statistics on the number of people who die from allergic reaction, but a Harvard study estimated the average deaths in the United States annually to be 150 people. It may not seem like many unless it is someone close to you.

Our article on Signs of Food Allergy goes into further depth on food allergies, and you may find The Eat Clean Diet helpful when choosing foods to safely consume.

Rich Carroll is a health enthusiast and writer living in London.

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Allergy Tests - Types and Uses

Allergies are common and can be caused due to a number of reasons. Depending on a person's body and its sensitivity towards various food items and environments, a person can turn allergic towards various food items and elements in the surroundings. If you think you or any of your family members has an allergy, the best thing to do is to go for allergy blood test. The test will help you find out if you have an allergy and if you do, what causes this condition. Once you'd know the cause, you will be able to manage the condition in a better manner and can prevent it from becoming worse.

There are some symptoms like fever that signal allergies due to pollens but it is always important to reach up to the root cause and understand the intricacies before the symptoms become too complicated. Undergoing allergy skin test or allergy blood test also helps in monitoring the condition and treating it the right way. Some children who have allergies when they're young but they get better with age and are able to get rid of them. This can only happen if regular allergy tests are performed to see if the condition is improving and if the medication is helping or not. There are various types of tests that are performed to check the type and cause of allergies. Here they are:

Blood test - Allergy blood test is also known as IgE test. In this test, human blood is tested to find out the amount of IgE antibodies. These antibodies are produced when our immune system responds to the allergen.

Food challenge - If you have an allergy due to a food item, this test is the best to determine the causes. These tests work accurately and are also known as oral challenges. To find out the causes of the food allergy, the patient is given food items that he thinks are the reasons behind the condition. The amount given is increased slowly over a period of time to see the body's reaction to it. The doctor will test on food item per appointment and will try to figure out the accurate reasons.

Skin prick test - Most of the doctors will generally perform this test before performing any other skin allergy test. This method of testing is safe, painless as well as quick. In this test, the suspected allergen is pricked into your body to find out if there's any reaction. Results of this test are made available in just 20 minutes.

If you think you're suffering from an allergy, make sure you reach out to your doctor to perform the above mentioned tests.

Having more than 3 year of experience in content writing and editing with a passion to learn new tricks and appreciate quality content.

Related Links

Allergy Blood test

Allergy skin test

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Sinus Infections, Symptoms and Treatments

Sinus infections can be painful enough to interfere with your daily activities, but the treatment options can be quite effective. Sinus infections can lead to a sore throat as a result of post-nasal drip. Post-nasal drip is generally the worst at night when you are lying down. Mucous from your sinuses collect in your throat causing irritation, coughing and redness. Sinus infections and the symptoms that go along with it also may interfere with a good night's sleep.

Sinus infections generally start as a common cold, leaving one feeling tired and achy. Sinus infections not only cause nasal pain but can affect the head and throat. Sinus infections have a lot of very unpleasant symptoms. Allergic rhinitis symptoms may include an itchy and runny nose, sneezing, itching in the ears, itchy eyes, and sore or itchy throat. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is usually caused by pollen in the air and has similar symptoms. Infected sinus cavities can also cause severe headaches.

Treatment of sinus infections is an individual approach depending on your symptoms and their severity.

The main thing is to try to prevent your sinus passageways from getting blocked. One technique is to irrigate your nose and sinuses with a squeeze bottle filled with salt water or use a Neti pot. A neti pot is a small plastic pot that resembles a teapot. It can be purchased at most pharmacies. It usually comes with a powder or premixed saline like solution for irrigation. This nasal wash is known to clear your nose of pollutants such as mold, dust, dander, etc. It also reduces the swelling in your nasal passages that may have become inflamed. Over the counter medications can be effective in relieving some of the symptoms.

Surgery should only be an option if conventional treatments fail or if there is a nasal obstruction that medications or treatments cannot improve. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery is recommended for certain types of sinus diseases. A chronic cough manifests itself as a cough that will not go away and may be an indication of another issue such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, sinus infection, heavy cigarette smoking, Acid Reflux, or a post nasal drip, bronchitis, pneumonia, medications, and less frequently tumors or other lung diseases.

In conclusion you should see your doctor or a medical professional and discuss your problem before trying anything mentioned in this article. Use guides like this one to discuss your options with your doctor, not as a substitute for proper medical care.

If you would like more articles like this one please visit


About the Author - Frank C. Fallo

I am in charge of Network Systems and workflow development at a 250 bed hospital in Scranton Pennsylvania. I have diverse interests which include music, science, health, and art. I am a musician and play my guitar whenever I can. I enjoy nature and the outdoors and am an avid fisherman. I am married and have two adult sons. If you would like more Health and Wellness resources please visit my website at

(c) Copyright - Frank C. Fallo All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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Smart Phone VOC Chemical Alert Apps - Coming Soon, I Do Presume

The other day, I was sitting in Starbucks and an employee was cleaning behind one of the stainless steel pieces of equipment. I could hear the spray bottle trigger and the hissing sound, and he must have pumped out half the bottle, and it was mixed strong, I could smell it from way across the store. I decided to take my Frappachino out to the patio, eventually I was joined by another patron, who came out for the same reason.

She said she couldn't stand it and had allergies, which made sense, and I wondered if the other customers, as the store was full, couldn't smell it at all? There are lots of chemical in the air these days, and it would be nice if folks could avoid them, but how you ask? Well, it turns out that some folks at Michigan Technology University have developed a smart phone camera technology which will enable the digital camera onboard to see down to 100 nanometers.

If we could miniaturize this camera, which there is no doubt we could, especially with the help of the military, DARPA for instance, then we could have smart phone makers mass produce them keeping the price down, then put them in every smart phone. Why would the military research arm spend the money on something like this? Well, imagine the benefits in the battlespace for Chemical and Biological Weapons. And imagine the benefit of having a 100 million Americans with smart phone sniffers.

If something was wrong the smart phone device's quantum dot would alert the phone to take a minute sample of the air, take a picture, send that wirelessly to the Cloud data center, determine what the chemical was and in the case of my Starbucks experience the other day, it would come back;

Harmful Chemical = Cleaning Chemical Class
VOC count 250 Parts Per Million = VOC safe count 4 Parts Per Million

The phone would then recommend getting to fresh air as soon as appropriate, by alerting the user. Something like this would be great for worker's safety, terrorist attacks, or incidental environmental everyday chemicals which are not all that serious in small amounts, but certainly not healthy to breathe in for any duration if not absolutely necessary. Should we invest in something like this? Well, there is a market, it's a nice feature, and think of all the APPs that could be created if this technology were available? It makes sense doesn't it?

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Military Technologies. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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Are You Dealing With Food Intolerance Symptoms?

After enjoying a meal, someone may start to feel uncomfortable-specifically with one of the following...

Pain in the stomachOutbreaks of windNauseaBloatingVomitingIndigestionDiarrheaSudden irritabilityWeight gain

The cause may be a food intolerance which is a response from the digestive system to a specific food; an ingredient in the food irritates the digestive system and the person is unable to digest and breakdown the food properly. One of the most common food intolerances is dairy intolerance which means an individual experiences the symptoms above when they eat milk or dairy products. Dairy intolerance affects approximately 10% of the population. Gluten intolerance is also common-as is wheat intolerance. Gluten intolerance symptoms and wheat intolerance symptoms include 'typical' food intolerance symptoms. But it may not be those foods that are causing the could be the nori seaweed or the Lindseed you have everyday because it is 'healthy'

Food Allergies vs. Food Intolerance

Many people confuse food allergies with a food intolerance-and vice versa. Typically, the symptoms from a food allergy are more severe and can include the symptoms above plus:
HivesRashesIrritated skinDifficulty breathingChest painAnaphylaxis (a life-threatening allergic reaction)

Sometimes, the cause of digestive difficulties can be food poisoning caused by eating food that has not been cooked properly or is well past its 'use by' date. However, a food allergy creates a reaction in the immune system and can affect organs-meaning a food allergy can be life-threatening.

When a person is experiencing digestive discomfort or other gluten intolerance symptoms, it's wise to visit a medical professional. At the clinic or surgery, the doctor or physician's assistant will begin a series of tests to determine if the problem is linked to food poisoning, a food allergy or a food intolerance. One method of diagnosis is eliminating 'suspect' foods from the diet and keeping a food diary. While this diagnostic method can work, it can take several weeks, or even months, to pinpoint the 'offending' food or additives.

Another method is to take a series of tests. Patients can take a test for allergies or intolerances.The tests are broad at first then become more specific: the first step is a test that determines if there's an intolerance present to the most common foods. If this test comes back positive, then it's possible to pinpoint one of almost 300 foods or additives that may be causing the problems. The tests are easy to administer and produce very specific results. Here's how it works.

The patient takes a test for food intolerance. It comes back positive.A more specific test reveals the patient is not only intolerant to fish but reveals which fish.The patient eliminates salmon from their diet and can enjoy other types of fish.

Certain tests can determine the severity of the intolerance. And testing may come back negative.

Once testing is complete, the next step for the patient is to eliminate the problem foods from their diet. The results can be immediate and dramatic: the patient enjoys a better quality of life free from the discomforts associated with food intolerance and food allergies.

Julie Goyen is the Managing Director of ImuPro Australia & New Zealand, which provides testing products for the diagnosis of food intolerances and food allergies.

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Can You Take Bee Pollen for Allergies?

It's unbelievable but there are thousands of people who take bee pollen for allergies and are feeling better already. Pollen has been contested as a health supplement for many years, but those who use it and are successful far outweigh the numbers of those who use it and have no success with it.

While many have formed an opinion about it, the evidence leads us to believe that pollen is helpful for those who have nasal allergy symptoms and other allergies too.

Why Pollen is Good for Allergy Sufferers

Sure there are plenty of questions that need to be answered regarding pollen, but how hard can it be to research and get those answers?

The challenge is that not enough people know what is actually in pollen that helps reduce allergy symptoms but allergies can be reduced if not altogether improved by using pollen that is gathered by bees.

For starters, we know that pollen contains vitamin A, C, and E which are all antioxidants. These antioxidants are known to not only repair damaged cells, but they help to generate new healthy cells as well. This means that the immune is system is getting a boost and is able to ward off bacteria of all kinds to keep the body healthy.

Studies in Japan

Due to the "buzz" about pollen, some research was done in Japan in 2009 with pollen to see what would happen when given to mice.

The end result was nothing short of amazing, proving that mast cells were reduced when given pollen on a regular basis. These mast cells produce histamine, which triggers allergy symptoms like itchy, watery eyes, and sneezing.

When the mice were given pollen consistently, the allergy symptoms were dramatically reduced, and yet more evidence is there to show that pollen is helpful in reducing mast in order to provide relief to those who have allergies.

The Journal of Allergy

Did you know that the Journal of Allergy has also reported positively on the use of pollen for allergy patients?

Allergy patients that have tried pollen have experienced a 75% improvement in their allergy symptoms when they took pollen in oral form. Those patients who also were asthmatics noticed quite an improvement with their condition as well. There is plenty of evidence that points in the direction that pollen is effective in helping allergy sufferers get relief, and while it doesn't claim to provide 100% relief, these patients are in fact getting relief and living easier lives as a result.

There are plenty of people out there who suffer from allergies, and the worst part is that there are foods that can irritate these allergies as well as things in our environment that can bring about these symptoms too.

Using all of these helpful tips combined will bring about a winning combination for those who need allergy relief, but wish to do it without using medication on a regular basis.

Visit my guide on bee pollen allergies to learn more.

Health, Fitness and Wellness Expert Lang Know uses his experience with bee pollen supplements to help others who want to learn more about this natural wonderful supplement.

Now, he's revealing his top secrets to improving health with bee pollen, so you too can benefit from an increase in energy, and live longer. Go to and let Lang show you step-by-step, how bee pollen can help improve your health!

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When Asthma, Allergies, Pneumonia Keep Reoccurring Every Winter, Should That Be?

It's winter and parents begin worrying when the first asthma attack occurs and you hear the nightly wheezing that keeps your child awake. Back in the recesses of your mind, you ask yourself, should this be? No, but what do you do about it? Asthma, allergies, and other respiratory diseases can occur and actually be caused by mold exposure. Not recently this scenario occurred. I went to see a friend. She was giving her daughter a nebulizer treatment because she wheezes at night. My friend had a"Flovent" a preventative inhaler sitting on the counter to keep her asthma in check. Every winter this family has the same respiratory problems: asthma, colds, flu and pneumonia with the last condition quite serious. Doctors treat the asthma, pneumonia but not much is done to prevent the problems in the first place. There is something wrong with house and the air in it.

Two years ago that same friend's finished basement flooded after a 5 day heavy rain. The basement was carpeted, with furniture and boxes of toys. There are several rooms that are used for storage and are kept closed; a musty smell was apparent when opening the door. Some things were tossed; other prized should be pitched but porous possessions were kept. The prized stuffed animal had to go but it was kept. Anything porous and wet needed thrown away. The basement was never fully cleaned; but the floors and the flooded part of the basement were. When one says "fully cleaned", it means all surfaces wiped down with a mild detergent, a hepa vacuum used on all surfaces and a dehumidifier for basement running. A dehumidifier was installed which was a step in the right direction. Another thing to consider,how did the water get in? What type of mold is still in the basement could only be found by testing by a reputable lab. This house is 1 of over half the homes and buildings that have water intrusion and mold according to the ( NIOSH )(National Institute for Safety and Health)

The correlation between asthma, allergies and other respiratory infections to mold has been established. Many asthma patients react to mold. Mold is not easy for allergists to test. To discover mold allergy exists, it often requires subjecting a patient to several doses of mold before a reaction occurs. However, while some patients show an allergy to mold, they react to the allergy shot. Not everyone has mold allergies but can have a genetic defect that causes the body not to clear neurotoxins when exposed top mold which are able to effect every system in the body according to Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker.This condition is a "Biotoxic Reaction to Mold". This reaction causes asthma, airway restrictive disease and other respiratory ailments among a whole host of conditions.. Common sense can prevail. If you get sick in a damp building, you are reacting to mold. Asthma can continue to worsen when constantly exposed to offending agents like mold. Many parents keep their houses very hot which is an also an offending factor in asthmatic lungs: hot, dry air.

Asthma can also be triggered by strong scents like perfumed laundry detergent or air fresheners. The whole house needs to have cool,fresh air void of chemicals. Parents need to be the one that realize that the lungs of asthmatics are quite sensitive. Asthmatics must have a mold air purifier constantly running in their bedroom and through the house.There are many benefits to using mold air purifiers including getting killing mold, bacteria, germs and viruses and eliminating chemicals from the air. Use a hepa vacuum to properly clean surfaces of contaminants and not release contaminants back into the air as regular vacuums do.

Folks need to start thinking about how healthy is the air inside my house? Some simple things to do to help with mold, indoor air pollution and organic contaminants:

Let sun shine in as often as you can. Mold loves dark and does not grow in sunlight.Leave bathroom door open after a shower. If possible, crack the window.Do not shut any doors in the basement because it creates an area for mold to grow.Place mold air purifiers throughout the house and run them year-round.Dehumidify your basement with dehumidifier for basement.Purchase a hepa vacuum; empty it outside.Instead of air fresheners which add to indoor air pollution and trigger asthma attacks, buy a small air purifier for the bathroom and actually clean the air.Since carpeting has over 120 chemicals ( including formaldehyde), pitch it and go with hardwood flooring. The underlayment for carpeting wears down and disintegrates gathering dirt and mold spores.Buy the least amount of cleaning chemicals as possible.If harsh chemicals including paints, hobby products, sealants etc are applied, open the window and have the asthmatic stay somewhere else for a few days.Wear more clothing in the winter and keep it cool.Make sure you have your heating system serviced and the ducts cleaned. Heating systems can blow mold everywhere.Spray the shower down with straight vinegar. It will smell for a bit but kills mold.Be a minimalist. Throw out or give away things that are not necessary. The less you own, the less chemicals in the air.Make sure the humidity level in any room is below 50%, chemical off- gassing occurs as humidity rises.Do not smoke around children and especially in a closed up car. Do not smoke in the house. Smoking is certainly correlated with respiratory diseases including second-hand smoke on young developing. lungs. Change the way you think and: Live healthy....Be Happy!

Author: Judy Kojadinovich
Improving the air quality is very important to any person that suffers from respiratory problems like asthma. In addition to sunlight and outside air, we recommend that you purchase mold air purifiers, dehumidifier for basement and a hepa vacuum. I carry the top brands in the industry most with free shipping. Please click on the link above which takes you to my website and see for yourself. 100% secure. Live happy.

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A Guide to the Management of Cat Allergy Symptoms and Treatments

The patients that display cat allergy symptoms may not even be aware of the underlying issues. It is heartbreaking to tell your children that they cannot keep their favorite pet. However that might be part of the course of cat allergy treatments that are required.

For some people the cold never seems to end. If you are in this situation you may want to consider the possibility whether you could be suffering from early cat allergy symptoms. Sometimes you may be offered the option of using a hypoallergenic cat but some owners feel that this is not a good replacement for the real thing.
Reactive cat allergy treatments: It is better to deal with the problems before they arise rather than concentrating on a firefighting strategy. For example you should take antihistamines as a pre-emptive measure against a reaction in case you are exposed to pets. By conservative estimates up to 10% of the US population suffers from some form of pet allergy. Further cat allergenic reactions are 200% higher than those originating from dogs. Rather than reacting to the fur, most people are affected by dander and bodily excretions such as saliva or urine.
Protein reactions: The element that will trigger the reaction is a protein. Therefore isolating it and avoiding it then you are likely to survive some of the worst effects. Essentially the immune system will mistake an otherwise harmless substance for a viral or bacterial infection. It reactions by attacking and this causes the skin to erupt or all the other signs. Therefore the allergy treatments for cats have to concentrate on the possibility of reducing the body reaction or removing the offending particle altogether.
Indirect causes: It has been found that even if you are not necessarily allergic to cats, they may trigger other reactions. The breeding of hypoallergenic cats such as the hairless sphinx has been effect but some people prefer to take antihistamines as a solution to the problem. You should try as much as possible not to hug cats. The use of repellents has been controversial because some pet owners feel that it tends to do harm to the animals in question.

Although the cat allergy symptoms may be mild at the beginning, you could see an escalation if you do not get treatment at the earliest opportunity. Moreover you have to plan ahead if you hope to travel in areas where the pets are found.

The article has been written by an expert of cat allergy symptoms and cat allergy treatments.

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Indoor Air Quality and Health: Understanding The Relationship

The relationship between indoor air quality and health is a complex one, with the first directly affecting the second. The quality of the air you breathe indoors can have many different effects on your health. That's why improving the air quality inside your home or office can improve your health significantly.

Indoor air that contains harmful particulates or even moderate levels of air pollution can cause numerous health problems, some of which occur soon after exposure and others that do not present themselves until years after the exposure has taken place.

What Causes Poor Indoor Air Quality?

The primary cause of poor indoor air quality is sources of indoor pollution that release particles, gases, or toxins into the air. Ventilation that is inadequate can compound the problem by trapping the pollutants within the interior air and failing to dilute the emissions with fresh air. If the temperature level or humidity level is high, it can cause an increase in the concentration of certain pollutants.

What Are the Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Health issues related to poor indoor air quality may appear soon after exposure or years later, depending on the types of contaminants the person is exposed to and the quantity that are inhaled.

The immediate effects of breathing poor quality air indoors include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and irritation of the eyes, nose and throat. These effects are generally short term and will disappear as air quality is improved, typically by increasing ventilation and using high-quality air filters to remove contaminates from the air.

Poor interior quality of air can also exacerbate the symptoms of some common health problems, including asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis, causing the affected person's condition to deteriorate soon after exposure. In many cases, the person's condition will improve once the person's exposure to the source of the indoor air pollution is eliminated.

Poor air quality indoors can also result in long-term health problems, with symptoms often showing up years after long or repeated periods of exposure to harmful air pollutants. Many of the long-term health effects related to poor indoor air quality can be severely debilitating or even fatal, including heart disease, some respiratory diseases, and various types of cancers.

Take Steps to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Different people react differently to exposure to indoor airborne pollutants, so it is best to try to improve the overall quality of air to prevent anyone from being affected by harmful contaminants in the air. Identifying the source of the air contamination, hiring a professional to identify and remediate molds and other pollutants, consulting your doctor and choosing an air conditioner filter that is capable of removing contaminants from the air will help ensure that the person will not continue to experience adverse health effects due to indoor pollutants in the air.

Jim Gates, CAFS, is the brand manager for Quality Filters, Inc. ( ), a leading manufacturer and distributor of high quality home and commercial air filters. The company's products are available online at ( ).

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3 Simple Ideas for Curing Allergies

The Big Question: Is your allergy the problem or is it a symptom of the problem?
In this article we investigate the idea that allergies are actually due to other fundamental, very basic imbalances in the body and the idea that fixing these imbalances could cure your allergies.

If you suffer from allergies then here are 3 simple ideas that you can consider, they are all completely natural, very easy to do and virtually free.

1. Not drinking enough clean pure water
The human body is made up of nearly 60% water and we all know that we need water to stay alive. But not many physicians talk about what happens when the body's most precious commodity is depleted. The late Dr Batmanghelidj spent many years researching and promoting the effects of water as a cure for some of the world's most common diseases.

In his book the "Water Cure" he discusses which illnesses are caused by dehydration and how drugs such as antihistamines can actually make the problem worse. He specifically talks about the relationship between dehydration and asthma like symptoms. As we breathe we breathe out carbon dioxide, oxygen, a little bit of nitrogen and water. As the body gets dehydrated it will automatically start to try to diminish the amount of water leaving the body. One way it does this is by constricting the holes in the lungs through which the water escapes and tightens the bronchials, which can result in the feeling of tight chest and diminished breathing that we associate with asthma.

He further goes on to talk about the dangers of many of our modern beverages such as softdrinks and packet juices, and how these products severely deplete the body of water. As we age our perception of thirst also starts to diminish so by the time you feel thirsty you could actually be already considerably dehydrated. Dr Batmanghelidj suggests that the best way to test for dehydration is to pay attention to the colour of your urine. It should be colorless, when it turns yellow, you are slightly dehydrated and when it turns orange you are severely dehydrated and your body would be suffering from this.

So to avoid this drink more water, not cordial, not tea, not coffee. But plain old, clear, natural water.

Whether you believe water can heal or not, I do think that it's important to make sure your body gets enough water to help it cleanse toxins and function properly.

Sadly with the passing of Dr Batmanghelidj the website is no longer functioning but you can find significant amounts of his work published in medical journals and scattered throughout the web. Have a look on Amazon for a copy of his book Your Body's Many Cries for Water.

2. Too much salt from processed foods and not enough high quality natural salt
We read everywhere that salt is bad for us, but what if I were to tell you that good salt is actually essential for the human body to function properly. This is what a lot of people don't understand.

So what is good salt and what is bad salt?

Bad salt is table salt, it's the salt you buy from the supermarket that is chemically manufactured and it's the salt that is contained in almost every single processed product on the market.

Good salt is natural salt from the sea, like celtic sea salt. It contains all of the essential minerals that the human body needs for proper cell nutrition.

You often think of salty foods and automatically feel thirsty. This is what happens when you eat bad salt, because your body immediately tries to flush it from your system which then starts to dehydrate the body. However good salt contains Potassium which the cells of the body require to actually absorb water. If you don't have enough potassium in your diet then it doesn't matter how much water your drink but your cells will never be able to absorb it.

The good news is you can easily fix this and don't even have to give up on the salt, just try and cut down on processed foods and swap your table salt for sea salt.

3. Low stomach acid levels
With the modern day consumption of alcohol, coffee, processed foods and antacids we have gradually depleted the levels of acid present the stomach.

When you chew your body starts to prepare itself for food. Initially enzymes in the saliva start to break down the food and the stomach starts to produce Hydrochloric Acid. If we produce enough stomach acid then the food will be properly broken down to then move through to the intestine where all of the essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids are absorbed into the body. These are all of the things that keep us healthy, boost your immune system, give you energy and make you feel good.

If the food isn't broken down by the stomach acid enough then it will pass into the intestine in big lumps mostly undigested and all of the goodness will not be able to pass through the intestinal membrane to where it is needed most.

The best way to make sure your stomach acid levels stay on the right track is to have a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon every morning, or even better a glass of water with a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar. This can take a while to get used to so start with small amounts and work your way up.

If you suffer from hives or similar allergies check out Hives Treatment Guide for more great information on the best hives and angioedema treatments.

For more information on taking Antihistamines for hives read this interesting article that explains everything you need to know.

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Figuring Out What One Is Allergic To

Are you bothered by skin problems? If so you are definitely not alone. Skin problems of some kind are among the most common complaints of adults and teens. Proper treatment and care help correct various skin problems.

1. Acne condition - you are probably aware that acne is one of the most common complexion complaints especially among teens. Why does this problem occur so frequently during the teen years, when appearance is so important?

During maturation, sex glands increase the secretion of hormones, and this produces many body changes. There is noticeable spurt in growth and an increase in body hair. A childish figure begins changing into that of an adult at the same time these hormones stimulate the oil glands to produce more sebum. This extra oil causes the acne problem.

Acne cannot be prevented or cured but it can be controlled, in most cases acne clears by itself after the teen years but don't wait yourself or your teen outgrow the acne it is better to get help as early as possible.

2. Boils - When bacteria that cause pimples penetrate all the layers of the skin, an infection called boils will develop. This tissue surrounded by pus that is compose of living, dead bacteria and white blood cells. Like pimples boils should not be squeezed because once you did it will spread the infection all over the skin and increase damage.

3. Warts - often warts appear as horny, raised growths on the epidermis. Warts are caused by a virus that can be contacted anywhere. Up to this time there are no drugs that could kill virus. Mostly warts appear on the face but it can grow anywhere particularly in warm moist areas. It can easily spread around the body and multiply rapidly because it is contagious. Doctor's advice is important to eliminate this problem. A special procedure maybe conducted as per doctor's advice.

4. Skin Spots - White spots, also known as vitiligo are patches where the skin fails to produce melanin. There is no explanation so far why this condition occurs. There are special drugs that said to have success in treating this disorder however covering the spots with cosmetics are more practical.

5. Moles - are excess pigment and slight overgrowth of epidermis and dermis. Usually moles with light and dark brown colors are harmless but you should be alarmed if the mole is black or blue because it can be dangerous. Moles can be develop into skin cancer anytime so it is best to consult your doctor especially when you notice rapid changes in your mole like change in color, bleeding or irritation.

6. Cold Sores - also known as herpes simplex type 1 in medical term. Herpes is the virus that produces cold sores also known as fever blisters. This virus remains dormant in skin until a cold or fever stimulates it. Such sores begin as collections of fluid in the upper layers of the skin. Later they form crusts. Although cold sores can appear in any part of the body but it commonly occur on the lips or mouth. It is best to consult the doctor to avoid complications and have better remedy.

7. Chaps and Burns - Outdoor exposure may cause chaps and burns. Exposure to wind and cold can cause the red and stinging skin of a chap or windburn due to drying of epidermis. To prevent these condition apply skin creams, lotions or oils into the skin before exposing yourself or if you have been expose application of these solutions may help soothe the dry areas. A more serious problem however is frostbite. It needs proper first aid and medical attention.

Sunburn - is caused by skin too much exposure to sunlight. The sun's ultraviolet rays can penetrate even clouds and cause severe burn if the skin is over expose. Sun blocks offer the greatest protection against burning and tanning. They contain high concentration of an acid called PABA.

8. Skin Scales (Psoriasis) is a skin disease that appears as patches of red, raised skin and silver scales of dead epidermis. It is most common on scalp, elbows, knees, and outer surfaces of arms and legs. It can last a short or a long time and it appear and disappear in cycles. Psoriasis seems less severe in the summer than in winter because oil glands are more active during warm weather. The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown however, prescribed creams, ointments, lotions or skin therapy can control it.

9. Allergic Reactions - If something you eat or smell makes you itch or a jewelry you wear causes your skin to rash, this is the implication that you have allergy. Allergy is the reaction of the body tissue to irritating substance. Allergic reactions depend on individual body to react. A strawberry can be a delicious dessert to a person but it cause allergy to another person. People with the same allergy can have different allergic reactions. It may experience severe or mild reaction. There can be vomiting, nausea and diarrhea or slight itching, redness and swelling of the skin and mucous membranes. If the reaction is severe it may collapse of the circulatory system, heart failure and even death.

10. Eczema - many people believe that eczema is a specific disease but this condition is an example of strong allergic reaction. Many substances can produce eczema but the reactions to each one are similar: redness, swelling, crusting and scaling of skin. Minute blister also form within the epidermis and ooze a clear fluid.

As a woman the author Jocelyn O. Iyog was inspired to create a blog that talk issues and concerns of women. Visit The Joycescape Network and learn more.

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Best Practices For Keeping An Allergy Free Home (It's More Than Just Carpet Cleaning)

There are many medications out there designed to help you feel better once you start experiencing allergy symptoms, but why not just prevent the symptoms altogether with a comprehensive allergen control plan? To avoid allergy triggers while at home, follow these tips for banishing dust mites, pollen, pet dander, smoke, mold, and other household allergens.

In the Living Room

The key to allergy-proofing your home is to think like an allergen, and then extensively clean all the places where allergens tend to linger. Examples include carpeting, upholstery, curtains, blinds, wall hangings, shelves, and knickknacks. Twice weekly carpet cleaning sessions with a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter are essential, along with regular dusting and biweekly vacuuming of any upholstery. Additionally, keep windows closed during allergy season and watch out for signs of mold and moisture near windows.

In the Bedroom

You most likely spend more time in your bedroom than any other room in your home, so this room is not to be missed. Cover your pillows, box spring, and mattresses with dust mite-proof covers, and wash your bedding in hot water at least once a week. Window coverings are a favorite place of allergens, so wash them weekly as well. Try to eliminate as much clutter as possible in the bedroom, and keep pets out as well. You can also remove any stray allergens from the air by running a HEPA filter while you're sleeping.

In the Bathroom

Mold is an allergen that thrives on moisture, so take steps to reduce moisture in the bathroom. Use an exhaust fan during and after showers and baths to quickly move steam out of the room, and avoid moisture-trapping wallpaper. You should also avoid rugs, window coverings, and fabrics when possible, or at least clean them regularly. Another trick is to dry the shower or tub after each use, and to clean the tub, tiles, sink, toilet, and floor with a five-percent chlorine bleach solution once a week to further prevent mold.

In the Kitchen

Much like the bathroom, the main goal in the kitchen is to control moisture. Use an exhaust fan to remove steam from cooking, and always keep the sink empty and dry. Check your refrigerator weekly for moldy food, and empty garbage containers daily.

Additional Best Practices

Don't allow smoking in your home and keep pets (and their allergy-inducing dander) outside if possible or at least off of furniture. Have your carpet professionally cleaned twice a year (or more if you suffer from particularly bad allergies). To keep insects and other pests at bay make sure to keep all countertops, cabinets, appliances, floors, and other hard surfaces clean. Should any insect or pest problems arise, take action at the first signs of invasion. Fix any plumbing leaks promptly. If after all of these steps moisture remains a problem in the home, use a dehumidifier.

Taking these steps to eliminate or reduce allergens around your home may seem overwhelming at first, but the comfort you'll enjoy as a result will be worth it. Stop treating allergy symptoms by getting rid of the triggers - follow these best practices for allergy-proofing your home today!

Using innovative products and technology, the Oxi Fresh franchise offers oxygen powered cleaning, which cleans all the way down to the bottom of the pile. Founded in 2006 with just one Denver carpet cleaning location, Oxi Fresh now has more than 235 carpet cleaning franchises throughout the United States.

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Understanding the Causes of Sugar Allergy Symptoms and the Possible Remedies

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I Don't Have Food Allergies - Do I?

Most people have food allergies and are not aware that they do. Why? Because the common conception of food allergy is that your throat closes up and you have to rush to the hospital after eating something you are allergic to. There are many different forms of food allergy, some doctors refer to the less severe reactions as food sensitivities or intolerances rather than allergies. What's the difference? Your immune system produces five different types of antibodies - IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD and IgE.

IgE Antibodies

IgE antibodies are responsible for the more severe, potentially life threatening allergic reactions like what we associate with peanut allergies. Most people who have these are aware that they have them because the reaction is so immediate and severe. The type of symptoms people can experience with an IgE mediated food allergy reaction are lips tingling, itching in the mouth, throat tightening or closing, difficulty breathing, hives and full blown anaphylactic reaction, usually fairly immediately after exposure to the food allergen. Medical doctors test for IgE related allergies by a skin prick test. IgE antibodies tend to hang out in the skin, so a skin prick is a viable means of testing of this type of antibody.

IgA Antibodies

Celiac disease is an IgA related food allergy to gluten or gliadin a protein similar to gluten. Both are proteins found in grains like wheat, rye, barley, spelt and kamut. Oats are often contaminated with gluten from being processed in the same facilities as gluten containing grains. Common symptoms of celiac disease include: anemia, chronic diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, abdominal cramps and bloating, and irritability. Celiac disease can have severe consequences if sufferers are not following a gluten free diet, so thorough testing for celiac disease is vital. Testing should include blood tests for tissue transglutaminase, anti-endomysial antibodies, IgG and IgA antibodies to gluten/gliadin.

IgG Antibodies

IgG antibodies to foods are extremely common. In testing several hundred patients, only three of them haven't had any IgG antibodies to foods. The rest have had multiple food intolerances, usually 8-12 and were not aware they had any food allergies. However, once all of the food allergies were known, and these foods were excluded simultaneously, people will usually notice dramatic improvement. The type of symptoms people experience with IgG food allergies are skin rashes like acne, eczema and psoriasis, irritable bowel syndrome symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, mucous in the stool, rectal itching, rectal leaking, headaches, fatigue, joint pain, sinus congestion or recurring sinusitis, vaginal irritation not related to yeast, environmental allergies, asthma, arthritis and autoimmune disorders like Hashimoto's thyroiditis or lupus. IgG antibodies tend to be located in the blood stream, so the best means of detecting IgG food allergies is a simple blood test.

IgM and IgD antibodies are not generally tested for food sensitivities.

Dr. Pamela Frank, ND maintains a busy, diverse naturopathic practice with a special interest in women's health and fertility. Pamela was twice voted "Best Naturopath in Toronto" by the readers of NOW magazine. She has been the clinic director at Forces of Nature in Toronto ON for the past 12 years and is a member in good standing of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors and Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors. Pamela can be reached at Forces of Nature at 416.481.0222 or by email at

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