Starting School With a Peanut Allergy

If your peanut-allergic child is entering kindergarten or a new school next year, now is the time to start getting prepared. Having your meetings at the school before the current year ends, will help everyone get ready for your child's first day of school.

Schedule an appointment with your child's doctor to go over your child's allergy action plan. Request documentation of the peanut allergy, prescriptions, and any other materials you may need.

You will need to contact the school and should speak with both the principal and nurse. Schedule a meeting to discuss your child's needs and start developing safety procedures to help avoid exposure to the allergen.

The meeting may include the principal or administrative representative, nurse, food service director or staff member, classroom teachers and specialists, counselors, coaches and gym teacher, custodian, bus driver, attendants and aides. Anyone who will be in direct contact with the child should be encouraged to attend.

At the meeting, review the allergy action plan that was developed with your doctor. This will list the warning signs of an allergic reaction and steps to take in an emergency. Discuss how and where the medications will be stored and who will administer it in an emergency.

Parents will need to frequently communicate with the school nurse to make sure all the paperwork is in place before the first day of school. This will include providing forms from the child's doctor/allergist, along with any required medical forms from the school.

Make sure your child's medication is labeled, and keep a record of the expiration dates to know when it needs to be replaced. This may include the epinephrine auto-injectors (EpiPen, etc), Benadryl, and any other medications prescribed by the doctor/allergist.

The school will always need to have a current contact number to reach you in an emergency. Having a cell phone that's always with you, is a must. List any other numbers where you can be contacted, along with the numbers of any other family members that can be notified.

If you feel comfortable, offer to help the school with any training or educational materials you may have on peanut allergies. Find out when and how they train their staff, and how often they train/educate throughout the year.

Some important topics staff members will need to learn about: Recognizing the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction, the administration of an EpiPen, creating a safe environment, label reading, proper cleaning of peanut residue and cross-contamination, and bullying.

Discuss setting up a peanut free zone in the cafeteria and the possibility of a food ban in the classroom. If treats are allowed in the classroom, purchase peanut-free snacks that can be stored and offered to your child when needed.

Don't hesitate to ask the school any questions you may have before your child's first day of school, or any day after.

Stacey has a M.A. in Education and focuses on creating a safer environment at school for children with peanut allergies. For more tips, products and resources to help increase peanut allergy awareness for your child, visit us at

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Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms - Hype Or Reality?

Is gluten a miscast villain in the diet world? Perhaps. A new study raises the question about gluten sensitivity symptoms and challenges the usefulness of following a gluten free diet plan for most people who have not been carefully and properly diagnosed with celiac disease.

Despite what you might see on the labels of all manner of foods in the grocery store, or hear from enthusiastic celebrity spokespeople, gluten free is not the right choice for everyone. An estimate has from 5% - 6% of us, some 18 million Americans, having some level of sensitivity to gluten.

Let's start with the basics; gluten is a protein that's a natural part of wheat, rye as well as barley, which are used to make beer, bread, pasta and lots of processed foods.

For roughly 1% of us eating glutens brings on a condition known as celiac disease that damages the wall of the small intestine so that the body is unable to absorb food nutrients. The disease is properly diagnosed by tests on blood and bowel, but there is no widely accepted test to diagnose gluten sensitivity.

Symptoms linked to gluten sensitivity symptoms include some of the same ones attributed to celiac disease - diarrhea, cramping of the abdomen, bloating, headache, fatigue and possibly ADHD. But until there's a test that identifies gluten sensitivity, diagnosing this condition will remain a challenge.

In a recent essay researchers who specialize in celiac disease, discussed what we know about gluten sensitivity and delivered common sense recommendations about the much hyped gluten free eating. They suggest that the discomforts that accompany eating foods with gluten happen because these foods are believed to cause a problem. This is known to science as the nocebo effect, if you presume the worst health wise, that's just what you'll get.

Many symptoms thought to related to gluten might really be sensitivity to other parts of wheat flour or another ingredient in foods made from wheat. And then, a gluten free diet is not bad for you, and will help even if you have other wheat allergies. That's what food makers are counting on, and why you see so much gluten bashing on labels.

Of course gluten free diets (and products) aren't going anywhere. The truth is, there are are large number of people who are suffering with terribly troubling symptoms that do improve when they follow this eating plan.

The danger of misdiagnosing gluten sensitivity symptoms is that going gluten-free when you don't need to deprives your body of fiber and gives it too much fat. Close monitoring of what you eat is important, as we know that for those who live with properly diagnosed celiac disease eating gluten-free eases the discomfort of symptoms and restores the digestive system to health.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more on recognizing gluten sensitivity symptoms and the steps you should take before removing gluten from your diet.

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What Is Candida?

Candida is a yeast that exists naturally in our bodies. There are over 150 species of Candida; the most common being Candida Albicans. Candida's function in the body is mainly to destroy all rotting food matter in your gut before any nasty bacteria can feed on it.

In a healthy person, Candida (controlled by the immune system and 'friendly' bacteria) is a non-invasive organism, however, when most people talk about Candida they are normally referring to a Candida Albicans overgrowth.

What causes Candida overgrowth?
A weakened immune system- allergies, excess sugar consumption, caffeine, stress and heavy metal toxicity all contribute towards a weakened immune system.
Poor diet- the modern western diet is seriously lacking in fibre and important vitamins, yet high in refined carbohydrates. Fibre is an important part of a healthy diet. It keeps everything moving through your gut nicely and produces fatty acids that hamper the growth of Candida. Vitamin C, zinc, magnesium and selenium are essential for a healthy immune system; of these, vitamin C is the most important to consume regularly as the body does not store it. B vitamins, in particular Biotin, are essential to controlling Candida overgrowth. A diet containing nuts, whole grains, high quality fish, shellfish and meat will contain all of these essential vitamins, whilst a diet high in foods such as refined carbohydrates, yeast, refined sugars, fruit sugars, vinegar and fermented foods will encourage your Candida to flourish.
Medication- so many medications affect the delicate balance of your body; medications such as antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills and hormones. Antibiotics are one of the worst culprits, because whilst they kill germs, they also kill the friendly bacteria in your gut - the same friendly bacteria that normally keeps your Candida under control.
Pregnancy- pregnancy will alter your body's hormonal balance, sugar production and pH.
Diabetes- a condition where the pancreas is not able to produce enough insulin in order to control the amount of glucose in the blood. If you have ever made bread or brewed alcohol, you'll know that for yeast to flourish it needs warmth and sugar; the same is true of the Candida yeast. Candida absolutely loves sugar and diabetics have lots of the stuff in their bloodstream - it's the perfect feeding ground for Candida.
Mould- exposure to mouldy environments can encourage Candida growth - mould spores, once inhaled, can travel throughout the body.

Why is Candida overgrowth a problem?

As the numbers of Candida increase, the Candida shifts from its yeast state to a fungal state. The fungus establishes itself in the gut and alters the digestive environment; the pH becomes more acidic meaning that the absorption of vitamins and minerals stops, the production of digestive enzymes slows, friendly bacteria struggle to survive and the fungus flourishes. The result being that as the fungus grows, your body weakens.

Once established in the gut, the Candida produces root-like structures called Rhizoids. Rhizoids penetrate the gut wall, creating microscopic holes, which allow undigested food particles, toxins, bacteria and yeast to enter the bloodstream. This stage is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome. The Candida spores can now create colonies outside the gut, in fact anywhere it can reach via the bloodstream. They first target low-oxygen areas, but can eventually settle in almost every organ in the body causing damage and bacterial infections.

If this wasn't bad enough, the Candida fungus itself releases, as waste, over 75 toxins; some of which are:
Acetaldehyde, a neurotoxin, said to damage brain structure and pathways
Ethanol which has a negative effect on the brain and interferes with your body's biochemical processes
Canditoxin which when injected into rats caused paralysis of the limbs and ultimately death
Formaldehyde which causes a number of malfunctions in your body


Candida is a yeast that exists naturally in a healthy person's gut. It can however, given the right circumstances, overgrow easily and once overgrown, weakens and pollutes your body.

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Mattress Cleaning and Removing Dust Mites

When most people think about mattress cleaning it's to either get rid of unsightly marks on it like sweat stains, blood or urine or to clean it for removing dust mites and for general hygiene. However, this is a very specialist process and careful thought should be given to how this is done as a mattress is very different to a carpet for which there are established and effective methods of cleaning.

The problem is that a mattress doesn't dry well. Due to their composition and how thick they can be, moisture in a mattress does not dry out easily, as with a carpet for example. This means that traditional cleaning processes used on carpets and upholstery should be avoided at all costs. This will rule out hot water extraction and also steam cleaning, even dry steam cleaning which still requires drying time and as the mattress takes such a lengthy time to dry this could encourage the growth of mould which is potentially hazardous to your health.

Ok, so where does that leave you when it comes to mattress cleaning. Well most cleaning companies will agree that when it comes to stain removal for marks such as the ones mentioned above are almost impossible to remove, partly because it would mean making the mattress damp and partly because what works on a carpet does not necessarily work as well on a mattress and often when you try to remove a mark you will be left with ring when it dries.

It would be far more sensible to leave the stains and clean the mattress a different way, to kill germs and remove any dust and allergens that have built up in the mattress. A mattress protector can always be put on the bed for aesthetic purposes after. So how do you go about removing dust mites and all the dust in there and hygienically clean it to kill germs without getting it damp?

The most effective way of mattress cleaning is to use a very good vacuum which has a HEPA system on it. There is a but though. Most household vacuums aren't really powerful enough to do it properly, especially if you are concerned about removing dust mites you need to get a specialist mattress cleaning company to do it for you. They will use machines that have much more power and suction than your own, so they will be able to remove a lot more dust and allergens then you could.

Their machines may also have a germicidal light on them too, which will have the added bonus of killing germs and viruses and denaturing allergens. Many will also finish the process by using a safe plant based spray which will be an anti allergen/sanitising spray. The end result will be a hygienically clean, allergen free and dust free mattress that's going to be dry and ready to use again within minutes.

The cleaning company should also clean both sides of the mattress for you and leave the mattress turned too. Mattress cleaning carried out every 6 to 12 months will drastically help people with dust mite allergies, such as eczema, asthma and rhinitis, even people who wake up sneezing or with blocked up noses will feel a drastic improvement and it could mean you could hang on to your mattress longer and save you money in the long run.

If you would like to find out more about Mattress cleaning and Silent Mites you can contact us here:

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Are Allergies Controlling You? 5 Steps To Relief

If you are allergic to tree, grass or weed pollen, the beginning of spring, summer or fall can feel like the beginning of the end. But that doesn't have to be true. Here are 5 things you can do right now that will get you on the road to relief.

Close The Windows---This may seem contrary to what people usually say about letting in fresh air. But if you are allergic, letting in the air while pollination is happening can be disastrous.

Instead, close the windows in your home and your car, and circulate the air rather than exchanging it. Some spores will still get in on hair, packages, pets, and through doors as you come and go, but the amount will be far less than if you leave windows open.

Have The Ducts Cleaned---Heating and air conditioning ducts can collect all kinds of particles which can get blown into your home or office when you cut on the heat or air conditioning.

Not only can they be a collecting place for dust, and other particles, but with the right conditions mold can grow inside as well. Investing in having the ducts cleaned will be well worth the health problems that you may be able to avoid.

Vacuum With A HEPA---Vacuuming and cleaning surfaces with a damp cloth or mop are far better than sweeping. These methods minimize the amount of particles that go back into the air.

However, the best type of vacuum (HEPA) is one with a filter that can minimize the particles that get blown back into your air.

Encase Bedding With Dust Mite Covers---The protein in dust mite excrement is one of the most potent indoor allergens known. And unfortunately, mites are common to indoor spaces regardless of how clean you keep your home.

The best way to reduce their population is to prevent them from hiding in the dark, moist bedding and feeding on dead skin flakes in your bed.

These relatively inexpensive covers keep them out of mattresses and pillows. And since they are killed by sunlight, this is a very effective and natural way to control the problem.

Fewer mites can often make it easier for you to sleep. A good night's sleep gives your body a chance to rest and be ready to handle exposure to seasonal stuff more easily.

Filter The Air---The right air cleaner can be your ace in the home. Even after taking all of the precautions mentioned above, there are always going to be irritants in indoor air unless you take proactive steps to keep the levels low.

A high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air cleaner is one of the safest and most effective filters to have working for you. In order to be designated as such, it has to have shown that it can remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particulates that are .3 microns or greater in size.

Having a cleaner with this type of technology working for you around the clock can really make your indoor space a haven, and let you start enjoying life, regardless of what's blooming outside.

Take back control of your life despite your allergies by reducing your exposure to triggers. Filtering your air 24 hours a day with HEPA filtration can help you do just that. See the Allergy Machine Air Purifier from now at

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Pregnant And Allergies - Definitely No Fun

While having to deal with allergies for anyone is uncomfortable, having allergies while being pregnant can make you feel truly miserable. While many medications have been used with no harm to the baby, no medication should be considered completely safe from side effects and opting out while during the pregnancy is completely understandable. But having difficulty breathing and not getting a lot of sleep because of allergies, while not good for the mother isn't good for the baby either. So, how can a mom keep her baby safe while controlling the misery of allergies?

Any mom looking for options in managing allergies during pregnancy will be happy to discover there are plenty of choices in both avoidance and control.

Avoidance of Allergens - Whenever it's possible, avoiding to take medicines during pregnancy is preferred. In allergy maintenance, this is best done by avoiding triggers as much as possible. Take steps like these to help reduce your allergic reactions:

• Using barriers like dust mite covers on pillows, mattresses, and covers protect from one of the most common household allergens.
• Air purifiers using HEPA filters help manage indoor allergens.
• Water filters are effective in reducing the effects of chlorine, another very common allergen.
• Having HEPA or water based filters on the out ports of vacuum and steam cleaners are a good way to reduce the dust disturbance and removing it in a room during cleaning activities.
• Consult air quality reports before planning outdoor activities. Limit outdoor exposure during times when your triggers are at their highest.

Control of Allergies During Pregnancy - Unfortunately, it's virtually impossible to avoid all allergens so finding ways to manage the effects is a necessary alternative. Here are some great options in finding allergy relief:

• Check with your doctor to see what medications are safe to take while pregnant.
• Consider dietary changes. Eating vegetables high in vitamins C and E help the body fight the damage caused by free-radicals, Omega-3 helps reduce inflammation, and reducing your intake of dairy can reduce mucus.
• To increase blood flow and to thin mucus, eat more spicy foods.
• Eating raw local honey introduces your body to the area's pollen and may lessen the impact of airborne pollen.
• Natural remedies such as Stinging Nettles, Goldenseal Root, and White Pine treat different symptoms effectively.

Being pregnant and having allergies doesn't have to mean you'll have to be totally miserable this allergy season. Following a few simple tips in avoidance and managing symptoms effectively will make sure that there is nothing left to do but enjoy the pregnancy.

Felix Poppell's wife wanted to find natural allergy relief during pregnancy to help alleviate her symptoms. Get through this tough season with allergy relief from Pharmaca.

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Gluten Allergy: Is Eating Gluten Make You Sick?

Gluten is a complex protein found in many grains, including wheat, barley, rye, and oats. Gluten is found in a large number of foods commonly found in grocery stores and restaurants. The rise in processed food over the past few decades has also meant an increase in gluten consumption, because most of prepackaged foods contain gluten.

Unfortunately for many people, gluten is difficult to digest, and the ingestion of gluten may trigger allergic reactions. It is unknown how many people are affected by gluten allergies, mainly because most people who suffer from gluten don't even know it.

To make matter worse, there is no one specific symptom that will help people know if they have gluten allergies. Some research has shown that there may be over 250 different symptoms caused by a gluten allergy! Some people might have just one symptom, and some might have several. And, even worse, people might be (and often are) misdiagnosed based on the symptoms, because the symptoms are usually similar to a wide variety of common ailments.

So, what are the symptoms? As was said above, there are many different effects from a gluten allergy, but there are some symptoms that are more common than others. These include:

HeadachesJoin painDepressionMiscarriagesConstipationDiarrheaAbdominal painFatiguePoor sleep habits

For some people with gluten allergy, the continued ingestion of gluten will lead to celiac disease. Celiac disease occurs when the body attacks gluten when it is in the small intestine. This is a dangerous disease because it damages, sometimes permanently, the small intestines. This damage leads to the inability to absorb nutrients, meaning that people with celiac disease can slowly starve to death, regardless of how much food they eat. While it is unlikely that celiac disease will actually lead to death, the body does literally become starved for nutrients.

There is hope for anyone with gluten allergies and/or celiac disease. The one and only way to prevent symptoms is to stop eating gluten. This can be done, though it will be challenging at first. It may be helpful for people going gluten-free to consult with a nutritionist, so they have an easier time eliminating gluten from their diets.

However, it is best for people to involve their doctors in the decision to stop eating gluten, since there may be other problems that crop up as a result of not eating gluten. Family doctors will be able to keep an eye on their patients as they eliminate gluten, and catch any problems early, or help their patients prevent them from happening.

If you have chronic physical problems that don't go away despite your, or your doctor's, actions, consider asking to be tested for gluten allergy. Be sure that you continue to eat gluten before the test, which will most likely be a blood test. If you stop eating gluten before being tested, your body will stop reacting to it, and this can result in a false negative.

Learn about gluten allergy symptoms by visiting the gluten allergy site now...

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Questions About Hay Fever? - 7 Answers That Can Help

Each year hay fever affects over 23 million people in the United States. And that number is based only on the people who check in with a health care professional. So it is pretty clear that this is a huge health issue.

Knowing the answers to these 7 frequently asked questions can help you manage allergic rhinitis more effectively.

Is there a difference between hay fever and allergic rhinitis? No, they are terms that are often used interchangeably for the same condition. Rhinitis being the more clinical name for hay fever is the swelling of the nasal tissues in some people that is caused by exposure to airborne irritants such as mold spores as well as tree, grass, and weed pollen.

What are the symptoms for hay fever and how do they differ from a cold? This is a frequently asked question and a great one because the symptoms for the two conditions are very similar.

Sneezing, coughing, congestion, post nasal drip are common to both conditions. However, it is the duration of the symptoms that gives the best indication.

Cold symptoms tend to run their course in 5 to 10 days. Allergy symptoms can last for months. And by consulting a physician about symptoms that last more than several weeks, they are often able to determine which you have by the condition of lining of the nasal cavity.

Which kind of pollen causes the most trouble, and when does that season start? Probably the most potent of all pollen is that of ragweed. This plant usually starts to pollinate in late summer and often continues until it is killed by frost in late November or early December (depending on the climate where you live).

Will a physical move to another part of the country help? The problem with moving to another part of country to escape is that the wind can take these light-weight allergens hundreds of miles from where they originate. So trying to run away from them is not likely to work.

When does pollen season end? It depends largely on where you live and the type of pollen. Tree pollen is usually the first to emerge and can do so as early as January in warmer regions.

Grass pollen follows and last from mid spring to late summer. And finally weed pollen goes airborne in late summer and can last until early December or frost, whichever comes first.

Is medication a short or long term solution? The answer to this question really depends on the type of medication. The first type is designed to control the symptoms and generally include antihistamines that are designed to dry up the additional mucous the body makes in an attempt to flush out the allergens.

The second type of medication is designed to reduce the body's initial reaction to the allergen, which if successful, reduces the need for the medicines that control symptoms.

Then there are allergy shots. This is a slow process that meets with mixed results for different people. The idea is to gradually inject increasing amounts of the allergen into the body. The hope is that the body will become desensitized and will be less likely to overreact with symptoms.

Can an air purifier really make a difference? An air purifier with HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filtration is one of the most consistent recommendations in the allergy management plan.

Reducing exposure to the irritant is still the best way to manage allergies, and a HEPA can remove airborne particles that are as small as.3 microns in size. A cleaner with multiple sized filters, and variable filtration speeds is one of the most effective ways to stay on track despite hay fever.

Let the Hay Fever Air Purifier clear indoor air for you all year round. Equipped with HEPA filtration, it can remove seasonal pollen and other chronic indoor irritants 24 hours every day. See it now at

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Children's Allergies: From Fear-Filled to Healthy Immunity

Whether it is seasonal allergy and/or food allergy, these forms of hyper-sensitivities indicate an imbalance within your child's body. Common allergic reactions include hay fever, hives, eczema, aversion to food, asthma attacks and to a growing number of medications, such as antibiotics, penicillin, and aspirin.

On a physical level, an allergy is considered a disorder of the immune system and can be digestive and respiratory related. Your child experiences a hyper reaction to a foreign substance that is otherwise considered safe.

Allergies can be potentially dangerous, especially in children. It then becomes vital to address immediately with a safe and gentle protocol. Most allergies begin in-utero, so moms it is important to examine your own diet, emotional health and response to stress, especially if you are breastfeeding, as these potential factors may have contributed to your child's allergies.

Key areas to explore when implementing preventive measures and addressing your child's allergy symptoms include:
Refrain from introducing too much food too soon to your child. His or her body needs time to develop a relationship with each food; too much may be too taxing on the body.

Proper mastication of food - teach your child to chew food, until it is soft and mushy. This prevents her stomach from attempting to break down big pieces of food, which may lead to indigestion.

Choose organic produce that is free of pesticides. Prolonged exposure to pesticides can cause a build up of toxins in the body, which in turn slows down the body's ability to naturally process environmental and food elements.

Choose conscious eating - decrease and/or eliminate microwave, prepackaged, and high sugar food from your child's diet as they too can increase toxic load within the body. The body innately gravitates to fresh foods, any preparation outside of that requires your child's body to work extra hard to process. The food that is unprocessed or undigested stays in your child's body as waste. Read labels/ask for ingredients when purchasing store bought food as most contains sugar, dairy, and nuts, which children tend to be sensitive to.

Teach your child to respond with a peaceful and a calm attitude when facing his life experiences and to openly and appropriately express his emotions. On an emotional level, an allergy may indicate fearful thoughts your child is holding onto about life and the world and he overreacts or becomes hypersensitive when he perceives an attack, hence the definition of an allergy.

Most, if not all conventional medicine products for allergies come with a list of potential adverse effects that are counterproductive to addressing the issue long-term and often creating new health challenges. Consider natural and alternative wellness options to strengthen your child's immune and digestive system. The stomach rules every aspect of health and approximately 60% of the immune system is located within the stomach/gut. Incorporate the right digestive enzymes into your child's conscious eating lifestyle, along with immune-boosting essential oils, and the appropriate amount of distilled water everyday. If your child weighs 50 pounds, 25 ounces of water everyday is the best fit for his body.

As soon as you notice a food or environmental intolerance in your child, respond right away. Your early response is the key to preventing the onset of life-altering allergies.

I own and operate a complementary and alternative medicine practice that specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, baby, and children health. A Certified Aromatherapist and Licensed Natural Health Care Practitioner and Educator, I provide Aromatherapy, consultations in a variety of natural health therapies, and proprietary health products to empower and optimize your health and life experiences. I am based in Northern New Jersey and also available to consult with you over the telephone. To inquire about my services and products, as well as to schedule appointments and order products, you may email me at or call my business mobile at (201) 926 - 9757. Learn more about me on my website -

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Gluten Free Foods And Diet

Gluten is a complex compound found in commonly used cereals like wheat, and barley. Some people are allergic to gluten, have a gluten intolerance, or have Celiac Disease. Its estimated that up to 10% of the U.S. population could have some form of gluten allergy.

Gluten consumption for gluten intolerant people is extremely bad and could lead to many complex medical conditions. And a large percentage of people, though not gluten intolerant, have difficulty in digesting gluten. Many people in the U.S. are gluten intolerant and don't even know it. And many medical doctors misdiagnose gluten intolerant people all the time, as the symptoms are varied and different from person to person.

Gluten consists of two main compounds, glutelin and gliadin. Its the substance which gives elasticity to dough and gives the sticky texture to the dough when kneaded. Gluten intolerance causes all kinds of symptoms including: headaches, migraines, exhaustion, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation/diarrhea, joint pain, and anemia, to name just a few. Any processed foods made from wheat, rye or barley should be strictly avoided.

Having ample servings of vegetables and fruits and cutting way back on carbs is a big step towards going gluten free. Minimizing processed foods containing complex carbohydrates can immediately help people clear up any symptoms they might be having. Processed foods like biscuits, cakes, cookies, and bread usually have a significant amount of gluten in them and will need to be cut from the diet.

Luckily for those who find themselves unable to eat gluten based foods, there are now many gluten free products on the market. Gluten free breads are available that are made of rice, millet, almonds, soy and other non-gluten grains.

Rice is a common grain which is known to be devoid of gluten. Rice can be substituted over gluten based foods. Substances like beer and whiskey which are brewed with fermented wheat, are definitely gluten foods and should be avoided. Wine could be an alternate to beer. And there are now some gluten free beer products on the market.

Maintaining good health by consuming gluten free foods is possible, provided some supplements are taken to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies. These supplements may be unnecessary if ample fruits and green leafy vegetables are included as a part of the diet. But doctors and nutritionists recommend taking vitamin supplements no matter what your diet. Especially for women and older people.

Going gluten free could also bring in a lot of other health benefits. Avoiding processed foods brings a host of benefits such as reduced risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. A well planned diet based on gluten free foods will go a long way in your quest for good health.

But cutting gluten products out of your diet is easier said then done. Our society is based on gluten foods: burgers and sandwiches, pastas, cereals, pastries - those are all gluten foods and a huge staple of the American diet.

When first going gluten free, many people cannot keep themselves from cheating and eating the way they have eaten their whole lives. That's why it's so wonderful that there are now thousands of gluten free products on the market. Those with gluten intolerance and celiac disease can continue to eat sandwiches, pastas, and baked goods. You just need to know which gluten free products taste good and have a good texture to them.

To help you find out which ones are good and which one aren't, see the reviews of gluten free products at Click here to see lots of gluten free reviews:

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