Are Customers Getting Actual Benefits From the Advanced Technology in Vornado AQS?

When it comes to utilizing the web as an advertising tool, the successful Vornado Air company from Kansas doesn't do much that sets itself apart. Based on my knowledge, I'd even say Vornado likely does less.

What Vornado does which is the same as pretty much everyone, is Vornado lists features and benefits which it thinks will encourage you to buy the product. Yet, that's what company does. (Except for the companies that make things up. Another topic for another time.)

As Vornado made the commitment to being a serious presence in home air purifiers, it based it's strategy on one large thing it would do better than competitors. The intended outcome would be to instantly giving the company a leg up in the emerging air purifier market.

What was this one concept that Vornado wanted to use to compete with it's Vornado AQS? Basically Vornado always approached value to mean that you give the highest quality and best performing product you could in one single model. The strategy was to hold nothing back on pushing through the best technology available. Then you take that technology and make it work to attack the nagging issues customers had with the old air purifiers you'd perhaps see at the homes of older relatives who smoked.

Vornado AQS was designed to run quieter using advanced three-speed technology. (One user recalled that it sounded like a home computer on idle in the lowest speed.)

Vornado also meant to grab a larger area using advanced electrostatic technology and circulation methods. The result in Vornado AQS is an effective room reach of about 325 square feet.

In doing these two things, Vornado wanted to take the most common customer complaints about air purifiers: that they are really loud and that they really don't work, and overcome those complaints.

So how does the AQS perform? What are the customers saying in their assessments? Keep in mind that Vornado places great importance in word of mouth to both develop and then sell it's products. The Reviews not only matter. The Reviews are everything.

Well, performance ratings are overwhelmingly positive on a statistical basis. Performance in this case refers to the Vornado AQS creating a room environment you can really feel. An environment where the result you have is greater comfort and easier breathing.

One customer in his 60's from Delaware got his Vornado purifier from Home Depot. He had a prior history with the company and had appreciated the experiences he had with his space heaters and fans. He noted a cleaner and fresher breathing environment in his targeted room from day 1. He said the AQS would be especially valuable in the winter time, or if you have pets.

On the other side of the net, an Amazon customer made an interesting point about the air circulation methods of the AQS. He felt that since the air purifier doesn't force like the older air purifiers, that odor removal was compromised.

In fact, Vornado does use a different approach to air gathering more is based more on what the company calls "advanced vortex technology" coupled with electrostatic pull. Together, these two forces grab and filter the air. It is hard to conclude an observation like the one from this customer is totally without merit.

Cheryl Boswell is a writer and researcher on products for the home such as the Vornado AQS 500. You can save time and money by getting FREE in-depth news, features, and reviews on this air purifier and the home purifier market generally including discounts and best prices at

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